This Is Home

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A/N: This oneshot is going to revolve around my home situation and how I am treated at home, for background and the storys sake I am pansexual and non-binary who uses they/them pronouns

Tw: Self-harm, suicidal thoughts, yelling, transphobia, homophobia, mental breakdowns, mental, emotional, and verbal abuse, guilt tripping, alcohol mentions

A/N: please remember that if you do comment on this, please be respectful of what you comment, these are all descriptions of what happens in my house hold, this is the only way I can vent and express myself, if any of the items listed in the trigger warnings make you uncomfortable please click off of this oneshot, thank you, this entire thing takes place when I turned 13 (I am now 14) I am not going to add every detail, only the ones that matter the most and made me hurt more

Dream sat in their room, they had just turned 13. THey stared down at the light scars they had put on their wrists when their father called them a bitch because they didn't put the dishes away. It was their 13th birthday for fucks sake but they was being yelled at, again and they added cuts to their wrists. They sighs as they pick up their phone to listen to music and clean their room. About 30 minutes into cleaning their mom went into the room "Dream, go get your laundry and thank you for cleaning your room" And like that, their mother left to go do more laundry. They put the book they had in their hand and put it away then they go to their parents room to get their clothes. As they were walking back to their room they bumped into their dad "Oh look, the emo decided to leave his room" Dream nodded and just walked back to their room. They put their clothes away then start to clean again. After the books, dirty clothes, blanket, art supplies and school things were picked up and put away they went downstairs to go get the broom and mop to finish up cleaning. As they walk back up the stairs Dreams father stopped them "Finally doing something instead of being lazy and useless?" Dream nods "Yes, I'm sweeping and mopping m room" Then Dream kept walking to clean their room. 

A few months later and Dream was sitting at an eye doctors office to see if they needed glasses. They sat in the chair as their father was going through their phone for no reason. When they left it was confirmed that they needed glasses and they both went home. Now Dream continued to hurt themself and do bad things to their body like starve themself for a few days. Late that night after they had finished the episode to a show and were about to go to the bathroom before they were stopped by their parents. "Dream, do you cut yourself?" Dream took a deep breath "No I don't" "Then take your pants off to show us" Their breathing hitched "What? No, I don't feel comfortable doing that, it makes me uncomfortable" Which was half the truth. "Then you are right? Dream I don't walk 7 miles every year for a suicide walk for you to go and pull this bull shit, you're being selfish. Your life is perfect, when I was your age my dad died and I didn't cut myself, so why the fuck are you?" Dream flinched at the way their mother spoke as they watched their father take a shot of whiskey. "Y'know what Allen? Let's just fuckin send him to the damn crazy hospital" Their heart broke when they heard their mother call the mental hospital that. "No, no send him to bed, if he gets worse, then we'll send him there" Dream sighs as their mother clears her throat "Go to bed Dream, now" Dream nods and goes to their room, laying down and going to sleep quickly even though they still felt like crying their eyes out.

A few more months pass and it's now October and Dream wants to come out as genderfluid. They make their way to the living room where luckily both their parents are. "Mom, dad I have something to say""Alright son, what is it?"Dreams dad asks. Dream takes a deep breath "I'm gender fluid, I-" Before Dream got to explain what that is, their mother cut them off "Nope, shutting that down real quick, what the fuck is gender fluid? That sounds made up, now if you were trans it would be different because I know its real" Dream felt their world crash down and shatter into a million pieces. "I agree with your mother, there is no such thing as gender fluid, its only Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender. That's it, don't start making shit up you attention seeking brat, go to your room" Dream nods softly and goes to their room, breaking down. They added more cuts to their thighs and they sat and wondered what it would be like to kill themself, fucking end it all, end the pain. Those thoughts stayed with them as they drifted off to sleep. 

More months pass by and its now March and Dreams mother walks in with their father and demands that Dream gives them their phone. "But why? I haven't done anything wrong" "No but you've been extremely secretive on it and you won't tell us why so we both have a right to know whats on it" Dreams dad took their phone and left while Dreams mom stayed in the room to lecture them. "So whats on your phone, tell me before I find out myself" Dream breaks down at this point, they slide down off their bed, they snapped, they were shaking on the ground and crying heavily "I-its my internet f-friend named Ni-nick" "Oh! Fantastic! And where does Nick live?" "T-texas" They stutter out. Dreams mom rolls her eyes "You're a fucking disappointment" "Mom I don't want to be called he/him anymore I w-want to use they/them I-I'm non-binary" They said this because their gender identity was on their phone. "Again with this bullshit Dream! They/them are not valid pronouns for one person! It was that stupid fucking online bitch wasn't it" "N-no! It wasn't! It's just me trying to express myself and be me!" At this point they were full on sobbing and their mother just rolls her eyes "God, what clique are you apart of! And stop crying like that! Non-binarys do not exist!" She yelled. This only caused Dream to breakdown more. "Stop crying like that, what movies have you been watching that teaches you that" With that, Dreams mother left them, crying on their bed.

A/N: If you read this, thank you so much for reading parts of my life story, at home I am still deadnamed and my parents still use she/her, I still self harm and I still have suicidal thoughts but I am very very slowly getting better, thank you if you read this, it means a lot :)

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