Im Sorry But...Who Are You?

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Karl was currently writing in his book so he wouldn't forget, he was fiddling with his wedding ring as he did this. He was scared he was going to forget his lovers, his fiancé's. On the cover on Karl's book had a picture of Sapnap and Quackity. He put his book down and put it away, curling up on his bed. He was forgetting things a lot lately and it honestly scared him. He got up, which caused him to get a little dizzy, he had been getting dizzy and lightheaded a lot now. He walked to his door and went downstairs to look for Sapnap or Quackity. Sapnap was in the kitchen and quackity wasn't home. "Sapnap?" He asked softly "What's up baby?" "Uhm...can I ask you something?" "Yeah of course, anything." "I-if I forget you promise me you'll help me remember again..." "Baby of course, I will, I love you so so much" He went over to Karl and pulled him close, kissing him on the forehead. He nods "thank you" he nuzzles into him and stays in his arms. "Of course" he holds him close for a while. Karl eventually pulled back "Where's Quackity?" "He went to go talk to Ranboo I think" he nods "Okay....I hope he comes home soon...." "Me too, when he gets home we'll cuddle and stuff ok?" Karl smiles "Oooh ok, yeah cuddles" Sapnap kisses his cheek "I love you so much baby" "I love you too Sapnap"

A few hours later Quackity came home. Karl immediately went over to him "Can I ask you something Quackity?" "Yeah of course" "If I forget you, do you promise that you'll help Sapnap help me remember?" "Of course I will baby, I love you so much" "Thank you, I love you too" Sapnap came over and kisses Quackitys cheek "Hi love, you want to make dinner and we can cuddle?" "Oh yeah that sounds awesome of course" "Ok c'mon let's go make dinner ok?" Quackity nods and goes to the kitchen, Karl and Sapnap followed him. "Ok what should we make for dinner?" "Mm, Steak?" Karl suggests "Ooh alright that sounds good let's do it" Sapnap goes and grabs to raw beef from the fridge and gave it to quack "Oh what if we do roasted potatoes with the steak?" Sapnap asks "Ooh yeah, sappy we can make the potatoes while Quackity cooks the steak" "Alright sounds like a plan" Quackity takes the steak and starts to season and cook it. Sapnap and Karl cook and cube up the potatoes to eat when Karl got a sudden dizzy spell and had to stop. "Karl, baby you ok?" "Y-yeah I just got dizzy, give me a second..." "Ok.." Sapnap gave Quackity a worried glance. After a second Karl went back to helping Sapnap, acting like nothing happened. An hour later dinner was done and plated so the three sat down and ate together. After dinner they went to their bed and went to sleep, cuddling.

When Karl woke up in the morning and panicked, he didn't know where he was or who the two men were next to him. He quickly got out of the bed which woke the other two. "Karl baby are you ok?" Sapnap asked. "Wh- I'm not your baby how do you know my name?!" "What? Baby it's me Quackity and Sapnap" "I-I'm sorry but...who are you?"

A/N Karl angst there's more to come, hope y'all enjoyed, vote comment and leave suggestions

Dream SMP OneShot  Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon