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Sapnap, Dream, Bad and George were playing hangman. Sapnap thought of the word and put out 6 dashes. George, Bad and Dream tried to guess the letters. "Oh uhhh M!" Dream yelled and Sapnap wrote it down "S?" George asked "Nope, sorry George" he added a head to the drawing "Uhh U?" Bad asked and Sapnap wrote it down. "F?" George suggests Sapnap writes it down. "Oh oh! T?" Dream guesses "Nope sorry Dream" Sapnap adds a body to the head. "Oh oh! Ummmm how about I?" Bad asked. Sapnap added the letter and giggles as he watched his friends guess different letters. The word was muffin if you were wondering but at the end of the game Bad said something "It only takes one word to end a life"

Weeks after the group had played hangman Dream had started to get hate, some on his speed run videos, some on his character on the DreamSMP. When he had tried to address the hate with others in a discord call he got talked over. One day he had gotten a particular hate comment that read: Wow your mother must be so damn ashamed of herself that she gave birth to a cheating, manipulative, little bitch, go kill yourself. Dream screen shot the comment then posted it to Twitter with the caption 'This is one of my reasons....I'm sorry if you don't hear from me ever again...' he posted it and went to his garage to grab rope and he went to his kitchen and grabbed a chair. He heard his phone blowing up but he didn't care, a few people called him but he didn't answer. He picked up his phone and he picked up a call, it was Sapnap and he said a few simple words before he hung up "One word can take a life, I love you Sapnap" he put the phone down and set up the rope tying it around his neck as he took his last breath he thought of all his friends as he kicked the chair down and he hung there until his breath ran out and he died. Sapnap had gotten to dreams house hoping that he would be able to save him, but he didn't. He called the authorities and he watched as they took his best friend to the morgue.

A/N very angsty, hope you all enjoyed, leave suggestions in the comments

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