Catch Me Dad!

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Tw// Suicide, child neglect

Tommy was jumping on his bed and Phil was watching. Wilbur walked in just as Tommy said "Catch me dad!" And at this moment Phil had turned his attention to Wilbur and not Tommy. Well since Phil stopped paying attention to Tommy he hit the ground when he jumped off the bed. He whimpers and cried softly but Phil did nothing for he was too focused on Tommy. Wilbur grabbed Phil's arm and took him to his room. Tommy got up, still crying slightly "dad...?" He whimpers and goes to the bathroom and clean himself up. He didn't understand why Phil ignored him but he didn't like it. He went back to his room and curled up on his bed, he fell asleep, cuddling his stuffed bear.

A few years later Tommy was jumping on his trampoline and keep in mind his trampoline had no netting to catch him. Philza was outside watching Tommy jump on the trampoline. "Dad catch me!" He yelled and Phil opened his arms but just then Techno came running out. "Dad! Wilbur won't give me back my sword!" Phil sighs "Alright let's go" Techno went inside and Phil followed him. Just like before Tommy jumped off the trampoline and hit the ground. He smacked his face on the ground, giving himself a large bruise on his cheek and a scrape on his elbow. He started crying and he sat up and held his arm. "Dad!" He called out but Phil didn't come out so he ran inside and into his room. He laid on the bed and fell asleep, crying.

Another few years go by and Tommy is now climbing a tree. Phil was standing under the tree to catch Tommy if he fell. Techno and Wilbur ran over to Phil "Dad come look!" They both dragged Phil off to go show him something. As soon as Phil left Tommy lost his footing. "Dad! Catch me!" He fell back onto his back, getting the wind knocked out of him and smacking his head on the ground. He gasps and cries out. "Dad!" He coughs and sits up. Of course, Philza was no where near. Tommy went inside to go lay down because he was lightheaded from when he hit his head on the ground.

These next few years went by and Tommy was honestly done being ignored by his father. He was done with being alive. His dad didn't care about him and neither did his brothers so what was the point? One day when they were all star gazing on their roof he stood up. He walked towards the edge of the roof, and again, no one was paying attention. He took a deep breath, his note was in his room. He stood at the edge and said "Hey dad! Dad catch me!" And with that, he let himself fall off the roof. Philza saw him fall "TOMMY!" He screamed and went over to the edge where he saw his youngest son, laying on the concrete, blood pooling around his head and body. He started sobbing as Techno and Wilbur looked over and saw him. They both started crying and hugging each other.

A/N Pretty angsty ngl, should I write something other than angst? Or should I keep writing angst? Let me know in the comments and p l e a s e give me suggestions bye guys

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