Macedonia: 🎶The cold never bothered me anyway~🎶

Yugoslavia: I'm gonna die again with you...

C.A.: Wow, I don't even know in what I have just found myself in.

Yugoslavia: Motherf*cker! Why the hell are you here?! *brings out a shotgun*

Serbia: Better question! How the hell are you here?!

Romania: Even better question! Slavia, where did you pull that shotgun from?!

Croatia: Dad, drop that shotgun!

Yugoslavia: What?

Croatia: Drop it!

Yugoslavia: I'm not dropping it!

Montenegro: Then give it to 'Tia!

Yugoslavia: Fine.

*Violent knocking*

C.A.: I think I have come at the wrong moment.

Bulgaria: Yea, pretty much.

*More violent knocking*

Slovenia: Does no one hear the violent knocking from outside? I'll check who's at the door. *opens the door* Oh, hey Greece! What'cha need?

Greece: I lost it!

Slovenia: What?

Greece: The thing!

Slovenia: Umm, come in. What thing?

Greece: The thi- Oh, there it is!

Slovenia: You mean Communist Albania?! You got him here?!

Greece: Rex helped!

T-rex_lover: *appears out of nowhere* Hey, don't get me into this!

Yugoslavia: *brings out a gun* What the f*ck is happening?

Romania: How?!

Montenegro: Dad, give me the gun!

Yugoslavia: Oh, my god, I'm your father!

Croatia: A very irresponsible one.

Montenegro: The. Gun. Now.

Yugoslavia: I can't believe I'm getting manipulated by my own children!

C.A.: And I can't believe you have your own children!

Yugoslavia: You little sh*t!

*Again with the violent knocking*

Slovenia: I'll go. Türkiye? What are you -

Türkiye: I lost the thing.

Slovenia: Communist Ablania? He's here.

Türkiye: Yea, him- Wait what?

Greece: Sorry I didn't tell you, I only came here moments ago.

Yugoslavia: Oh, great, now everyone is in my house, along with the Ablanian sh*t.

Albania: Which one?

C.A.: Heya dude!

Albania: Oi.

Croatia: Wanna watch Frozen?

Albania: Yea, sure.

Türkiye: Eh, I don't care, I'm not going back in this hell of a weather anyway. It's burning hot outside.

Greece: Count me in.

C.A.: Hmmm, I never watched it, it could be interesting.

T-rex_lover: YES!

Yugoslavia: No one's gonna question when Alba got here?

Bosnia: Yup.

Kosovo: Okay, come here.

C.A.: What kind of moving photo is that?

Serbia: It's called movie, you pre-historic bastard.

Croatia: You just watch, alright.

Amber~Koral: *appears* Hun, I've been waiting in front of the cinema for half an hour, and you're watching Frozen?!

Yugoslavia: F*ck, another one! *brings out a knife*

Romania: In the name of f*cking Earth, where is he getting these from?!

T-rex_lover: Uhh, I'll be going! *desappears with Amber~Koral*

Yugoslavia: *anger* AHHHHHH!

Everyone else: *anger* AHHHHHH!

Slovenia: Shut the f*ck up!

Serbia: F*ck off!

Everyone: *I'll murder you anger* AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

(Somewhere far away)


he Earth: *shaking with muffled screaming*

Great Britain: Ah, sh*t, here we go again.

France: The Balkans at it...

T-rex_lover: The chaotic Balkan and the countries that need to deal with that. Also, introducing my co-worker,  my friend, and totally nothing more than that, Amber~Koral.

Amber~Koral: From now on, I'll be in this story a lot, so I might as well take over the dares.

T-rex_lover: You wouldn't dare -

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