Chapter 17: Surprise Surprise!

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Chapter 17: Surprise Surprise!

"I just don't understand"

I was so confused and needed to talk to someone about it.
So for the last session with doctor Rachel we talked about it.

"What exactly are you confused about?".

I rubbed my hand on my tired face
"Everything. How can all of that happen and I don't remember any single thing about it. Like literally it's blank".

"Sometimes when something big happens or when you experience a sudden shock,the brain forces itself to forget it to protect itself from the pain it will cause".

"And your brain did just that. It made you remember the accident but not the result it caused to protect itself from the pain the accident caused.
And it made you continue living your life as normal as it was before the accident".

I looked at her and stayed silent.
But then I remembered I needed to ask her about something.


"How what?".

"How did you know about the whole accident thing if lydia didn't even tell you?".

Something didn't add up.

She sighed
"I have been hypnotizing you to know the truth. Cause your brain knows it but just ignores it".

The moment she said that my eyes grew twice in size.


Hypnotizing me?

"I already knew the truth from sydney but I just needed to know the truth from you so I know how to help you out, to know the effect the accident had on you to make you forget it all, and to know the methods that could help".

"And don't worry I got permission from miss smith your sister".

I just sat there in disbelief
"And how do I not remember any of that too?".

"Because that's the thing about hypnosis you don't remember it happened".

Damn dude
My life is just a shocking mess that doesn't seem to end!!!
What do ya think of the second surprise?
Are you shocked yet?😂
Tell me in the comments.
And don't forget to vote.

ALSO: three chapters are left!!!!

Love you all!!!!!(。♡‿♡。).


In a Blink of an Eye [Rewriting]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant