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Chapter 5: Pain Again


I can feel a bright light surrounding me, but i can't get my eyes open to make sure.
All i see is endless darkness, just darkness.

Then all of a sudden lydia is there in the center smiling widely and waving at me,
But she looks young; like how she looked five years ago.
I can feel my lips curve at her contagious happiness.
My smile faded slowly when she looked at me angrily "i will never forgive you, you're the reason i'm like this".
I shake my head, trying to reach to hold her, but then mom appeared stretching her arm towards lyd "honey, it's time to accept it and let her go".
I shake my head aggressively this time.

No, please this can't be happening.
"No lydia please, i'm sorry please come back" i whisper, but my begging fell on deaf ears as they just kept walking.
No way i will let this happen again; i start running towards them but the distance never seems to end as it keeps stretching; as if no matter how much i run i can never reach them.
And they disappear as the darkness closes around me, drowning me as my screams of despair turn into choking.

My eyes snap open in horror.
I took some deep breaths; and looked around the room i'm in.It was white without any type of color except the black screen with the green strips of the monitor that is attached to my hand and arm, indicating that i'm still alive.

I tried sitting up but a severe pain in my head made me stop and i fell back onto the pillows.
I raised my arm and pressed the small red button on the nightstand beside the bed, and before i could blink a nurse came rushing in.

"Good morning miss smith, how are you feeling?"
"I'm good, just a headache, but what happened?"
"You called us and said that an accident had occurred and told
us the address and asked us to hurry; when we got there, the person next to you was passed out and you were bleeding"
Suddenly memories from the accident flooded inside my head, and all i could think about was lydia.

I tried getting up and removing the needles but the nurse stopped me saying that i can't leave and a bunch of shit that i didn't care about, it escalated to a tug of war between us and i was determined to win it,i needed to see lydia as soon as
possible i just need to make sure she's okay and safe.

Then the door opened and a man wearing a white coat
walked in, which i assumed was the doctor taking care of me.
"What is going on here?",
"doc, the patient is trying to leave
even after i told her she can't go just yet";
the doctor came close to my bed "ma'am i'm afraid you can't leave now, your body is still weak and needs care".
"What even happened to me, why am i here?"
"You passed out on the way to the hospital", "okay but but i need to see my sister lydia right freaking now" my voice got louder in the last sentence, starting getting frustrated at the
nurse that still didn't back up neither am i.
"She is fine, don't worry, we are taking good care of her".

My head spun to the doctor and i stopped fighting this stupid
nurse, and she took a tired deep breath.
"Where is she?"
"In the hospital"
"Which room?"
"I'm afraid i can't tell you that"
"Please doctor, i need see her"
"But you still need rest"
"I can rest after making sure she's okay, please"
He took a deep breath and let it out "room 304, second floor".
Without a moment to lose, i got up and ran to her room.

I walk in and there she is laying on the hospital bed sleeping peacefully.

I walked to her side and just started sobbing, i should have been there for her, i should have taken better care of her.

"Oh my god, i'm so sorry lydia".
I always cause her pain even when i'm trying so hard not to.
She has been through a lot already because of me; it is all my fucking fault, i should have known better.

A doctor came into the room to check on her and i asked about her condition.
"She's good"
"Is she sleeping?" i asked hoping he would tell me yes and that she is just resting and that she will wake up after a couple of hours.

I wanted to hear that she's okay.

I needed to hear that she's okay.

But he didn't tell me what i hoped he will.

"She's in a coma"

I freeze.

I did it again.

I caused her pain again.

She is lying on this hospital bed because of me again.


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Love ya all (。♡‿♡。).


In a Blink of an Eye [Rewriting]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang