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             Chapter 14: Safe Place

                          S Y D N E Y

I get off the phone with doctor rachel after i reassured her that i will text her when lydia comes.
It has been raining and lyd still hasn't returned home yet.
I called her a million thousand times till her ringer stopped working but still didn’t get any answer.
I even called samuel, camryn even chris asking if she went to any of them but nope.

I’m trying to calm myself by saying that maybe she went to some cafe or something to get her mind off of this and her phone ran out of battery.
But looking at the clock is not helping at all
I don’t even know where to look for her, she could’ve gone anywhere.

But i can’t lose her.
She’s all i have left.
She can’t leave me.

Just as i was about to lose my freaking mind, she stumbled through the door, tired and soaked in rain.
I run to her aid and help her to my bed and change her clothes to warm ones and dry her hair with a warm blow dryer.
She was so drained she looked like she was about to pass out any second.
After i make her some soup and feed it to her.

We were lying in my bed when she mumbled.
“Please don’t leave me sydney, i’m scared”.
I hold her tightly in my arms, singing her favorite song since she was younger until she falls asleep on me.

I kiss her head.
“I love you so much lydia, so much”.
I reach for my phone to send doctor rachel a quick text that lydia came home.

It wasn’t long after that i drifted to sleep holding her tight and never letting go. Ever.

And don't forget to tell me your thoughts and guesses in the comments and please vote.

Love you all!!!!!(。♡‿♡。).


In a Blink of an Eye [Rewriting]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora