Chapter 19: Accepted

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Chapter 19: Accepted

I think it has been a year since the boxing accident.
And I can confidently say that I have been doing much better in that year.

I won't say I'm fully healed because I think that I will never be fully healed from the past.
But I'm trying to not let it affect me anymore.

When I told syd about the 'revenge story' she wasn't really happy about what I did.
But she didn't get THAT mad also.
I even think a part of her was proud when I told her but she still told me that what I did was wrong.

And listen I know what i did was wrong and that life doesn't work that way and that I shouldn't have done it.
blah blah blah.
But that dude deserved it.

And also I didn't take all the 28 million.
Like come on I'm not that heartless.
I only took 4 million as for the four years I lived in shock from the accident that he caused and thinking that my mother was alive.
So yeah for someone that make millions a year that's basically nothing.

And also I didn't spend the money on myself I donated it all to charity and homeless people.
Because I don't need the money.
And because I don't think mom would have liked it if I spent the money on myself when there is people who could use that money more than I can.
But this year I learned a lot of things about myself and about the people around me.
I learned to appreciate every fucking moment with my friends and family.

And also that I need to forgive myself and give myself all the time I need to heal.

And for my birthday me and sydney made it on mom's favorite bridge and invited Sam,camryn, Zack and even Rachel.
Who became a very good friend of mine.
And we had a lot of fun that day.
I even think it was the best birthday I ever had.

And I even learned how to drive!!
I think syd was praying the whole time she was in the car with me.
But I actually became a pretty decent driver -I think-.

Me and syd visited mom's grave a lot this year.
I sometimes went alone.
But it was really good to talk to mom about everything going on in my life.
Like how I used to when she was alive.
Today is the 5th anniversary of mom's death.
And the first anniversary since I've known the truth.
I walked to syd who is sitting on the couch watching the TV.
No she is actually on her phone more than she's watching the TV.

"Syd" she looked from her phone to look at me.
And noticed my serious face.

"Is everything alright?" She asked concerned.

"I think it's time for me to fully let go of the past" I said my voice is on monotune.

She looked at me confused for a second but then realized what I meant.

"Do you want me to come with you?".

"No I want to go alone".

I need to go alone.
Can you count how many times I typed 'also' in this chapter.😂

Only one chapter is left guys!!!!

Stay tuned.

Love you all!!!!!!(。♡‿♡。).


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