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Chapter 6: Shock


I opened my eyes for a second just to quickly close them back tightly from the bright light that attacked them.

I can hear someone calling my name,they seem very close to
me,i focus on the voice a little bit to recognise it as sydney's voice.

I open my eyes slowly this time, taking my time to adjust to the light.
I can see syd's watery eyes looking down at me with surprise like i just came out of a jack box.

I cleared my sore throat and asked for some water which syd eagerly handed to me after helping rest my head on the headboard.
"I will go get the doctor" she said and a while later came back with the doctor.

The first thing he did was to check the monitor and the liquid attached to me. After he was done he faced me with a warm smile "how are you feeling?".

I thought about that question for longer than i should.
How am i feeling? I even asked myself that.
I can't answer that when i don't know what exactly happened so i know what exactly I should be feeling.

"Tired, very tired at the same time i feel like i have slept for a decade but somehow that wasn't enough".
He nodded "yeah it's normal to feel like that for someone who just woke up from a coma for 3 months" he explained like it was so damn normal to be sleeping for that long.

"Come again?"
"Don't worry you're much better now, i will go get your test results and i will come back to inform you".
"Thank you so much doctor John and i just called lydia's friends that she woke up so is it okay if they come to see her?" syd asked as they completely ignored me.
"My pleasure miss sydney and sure they can come but don't exhaust her too much"

Syd moved closer to my bed after the doctor left, "do you need something? "
"Thanks i'm good for now" i said resting my head back and closing my eyes for a brief second.

"What happened?" i asked , looking at her through half hooded eyes.
"What do you remember?"
I close my eyes trying to remember the last time i was awake before the coma; the truck light crashed into my side of the car.

"We got into a car accident on our way back from the beach
right?" i asked not quite sure.
She looked at me for a couple of seconds before nodding her head conforming to my memory.

"Are you okay though?" i ask as i quickly run my eyes over her body as to see any possible damage.
"Yeah just some scratches and bruises here and there but i'm more worried about you since you took the most damage".
"What did the doctor say?"
"We are still waiting for him to check the results, but wait here i will be right back" i nod my head and she leaves.

A couple of seconds pass by before i heard it.

"No i will go in first"
"No way i'm more worried so i will go first"
"Over my dead fucking body".
I had just recognized the sounds as my two best friends
before the door busted open and camryn walked with sam hot on her tail.

"Of course at the end camryn won" i laughed under my breath; no matter how tired i'm, these two always make me laugh with their constant fighting and challenges.

They both rushed to my sides and started torturing me with questions from left and right.
"Calm down you two or else i will ask the guards to throw you both out for harassing a patient" they both apologized quickly and i wasn't used to that one bit.

"What the heck is going on? You both look like crap and are
very considerate today for some odd reason, it was not like i was dead"
"We know lydia but it still has been a rough three months for all of us, we didn't know when you will wake up or even if you will"
camryn's voice cracked at the end as she wiped the tears before they could fall;and hugged me while i caressed her back.

I'm flattered.

Sydney came back with three bottles of water to give to cam and sam.
I looked at my friends and family all around me and noticed someone missing.

"Where's mom?"
They all share looks and syd clears her throat "at work"
If my friends skipped school to come see me as well as did
sydney got off work to stay with me then why mom didn't?.
What's more important than your child that just woke up from a
three months coma?

Moments later the doctor finally came back with the results.
He looked at all of us and cleared his throat uneasily.
And i already knew something was wrong before he said it.

"The results show here that your right ankle has been sprained from hitting the car's dashboard and your left shoulder has been dislocated from the force of the truck"

Oh no....

"So?"syd and cam asked, obviously confused and oblivious.
Me and samuel shared a look that meant i'm fucked.

Being an athletic the first thing you learn about the sport you play is the injuries that could result from that sport or the ones you could get that could end your sports career.

Me and samuel being the only athletic in the room, we only knew one thing.

That with those two injures combined, i will not be able to play
boxing for a really long time.

I'm screwed.


let me tell you from there the story will get more interesting.

Don't forget to comment your guesses and thoughts and please vote.

Love you all!!!!!!(。♡‿♡。).


In a Blink of an Eye [Rewriting]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang