Epilogue 2/2 Zarry Wedding

Start from the beginning

            He quickly cleared his throat and skipped the rest of that part, “nevermind with that. But as a teenager we came back together, and I guess we have Ms. Bosworth to thank for that.” The memory of that day in class where Zayn and I had been paired up as partners still lingers in the back of my mind every now and then since it was the first memory of me and Zayn that didn’t have too many holes in it. I don’t think we ever even got around to finishing that project, we basically would cuddle all the time and cherish each other's presence.

            After high school, Zayn and I found some old photo albums from our elementary years which made some improvements on my used-to-be practically non-existent memory (with some help from Zayn who, in his lonely ages, used to just think about the past). Some things that I remembered were: Zayn always wanted a dog (hence why we adopted Zarry); the popular kids never liked me until I started standing up for Zayn (still doesn’t make sense); him and I always went to Milkshake City on Saturday (and Nandos on Friday after school to keep Niall quiet); Zayn sat alone everyday at lunch since I ditched him which distanced himself from the rest of the world; I used to dress like a Lesbian librarian.

My groom’s voice disrupted my thoughts as I remembered we were still making our vows. “You okay?” he mouthed, seeing how distant I looked.

            “Never been better,” I whispered truthfully, I may have just been thinking of some of the worst memories in my lifetime but hey, I’m getting married to Zayn Malik.

            “Ever since that day where we were assigned that ridiculous project, you haven’t left my mind. I love everything about you. Your crooked smile, the way you throw your head back laughing like a little kid as if I’m a comedian even though I’m nowhere near hilarious, your laugh itself, your curly hair that makes me feel safe when I hold onto it since it will forever remind me that you’re mine, the way you start every morning with ‘hello beautiful or gorgeous’ and end it every night with ‘I love you’s and ‘I love you more’. I love the way your hands are way too big for your body even though you’re 6’2,”

At this point tears had ran down both their faces and continued streaming down until the end of the vows, “the way you look in the morning and how you’re always happy to see me and Zarry even when we’re right terrors. I Just-” his eyes connected with mine and I could see how much emotion he was holding back not to either curl up in a ball and start crying with all this lovey dovey talk or pounce on me as if our family weren’t watching our every move.

Really hope that you know that I am in love with you and always will be. I know the vows say ‘until deaths do us part’ but I know that even in the afterlife, I will always love you, cherish you, and keep you with me, forever.” Okay, now we were bawling like little girls who dropped their ice cream on their favorite dresses.

The pastor gave us a minute before asking me to read my vows. I smiled back and felt around my front jacket pocket. Shit shit shit shit... it was here this morning... is that, nope gum wrapper... shit shit shit shit... other pocket, no luck, fuck my life, guess I’m gonna wing it. Zayn looked at me worriedly seeing something was up. I smiled back meekly and tried to picture the sheet of paper in my mind. There it was, blurry, but I think I remember most of it. I had double, triple and quadruple checked it making sure every detail was in order.

“Uhmm, I’m sorry everyone,” I said in advance knowing that if I wasn’t reading from it I would end up talking even more slowly than I already do, “I lost the paper, but I think I remember it.” Everyone started laughing knowing me and I saw some of them still had tears streaked down their faces from Zayn’s speech. I’m sure mine will produce a similar reaction.

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