Saved ~K.R.~

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There are many words to describe the infamous, Kylo Ren. Most would describe him as ruthless, disrespectful, scary, terrible, or humane. You, on the other hand, would describe him as misunderstood. 

You usually say you have this different understanding of him because you've met him once before, or at least seen him before. When the fire broke out at the jedi academy, you had gotten stuck underneath a piece of debris. You only remember seeing him walking around as if he were looking for something, and then his eyes fell on you. Instantly he ran over to you and helped you up. He dragged me to what seemed like an abandoned house, and before you had the chance to thank him, he was gone. Kylo Ren saved your life, meaning that you will forever respect him.

You've yet to run into him since, but you've heard whispers about him from your friends. They all believe he's dangerous, but you think that there is a part of him that's good. Even if that part might be small. No one is ever completely good or bad.

"(Y/N), are you going to the ball tonight?" Jemma, one of your good friends, asks.

"No, I'm not. We all know that I'm not that type of girl."

"Oh come on, (Y/N)! You never go out." Kyra, your other good friend, responds. You rolled your eyes at both of the girls. Every year the royal family throws a ball, it's seen as a way to keep the aristocrats and the plebeians connected with one another.

"I just don't see a reason in going, nothing ever really happens."

"(Y/N), people meet their husbands at these types of events!" Jemma yells, punching her fist into your arm.

"And you're one of the prettiest girls in the kingdom! You could totally pull a rich guy!" Kyra says, agreeing with Jemma. You look at both of them and shake your head, they both respond with groans and sighs.

"Come on (Y/N), please." Jemma gives you little puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah (Y/N). Plus there are rumors that Commander Ren will be there." Kyra's words caught your attention instantly. You haven't seen Kylo in a while, obviously, and you never got to thank him for saving you, or figure out what happened that night. This could be the perfect time to do so. You could finally show all of the gratitude that you've been holding in. The other side to that is that you'd have to suffer through the entire ball. You'd have to get hit on by village boys and old rich guys.

"Okay, fine I'll go," the cheers of Jemma and Kyra fill my ears, "but you guys DON'T get to choose what I wear." They both gave in and said their goodbyes, since they had to also get ready.

You weren't the poorest person you knew, yet you weren't the richest. You were more of a middle class kinda gal. You could afford formal dresses but you've never had a need for them, so you didn't have many. The only formal dress you had was gifted to you by your mother, it was her wedding dress. Which had always confused you since the dress was an emerald green color. After ravaging through your closet, you decided that the 'wedding' dress would work, it was fancy but not over the top fancy. It was a mermaid kind of dress with a slit up the side, and it's sleeves were cut in half. 

(I'm not a dressmaker, I have no idea how to describe that dress.)

Jemma, Kyra, and you had decided to all meet up at the ball. You thought you all should just ride together but they insisted on being surprised by your outfit. With every step toward the castle, you felt your heart start to speed up with every step towards the castle. Not only did you not know what to expect, you didn't know how people were going to react to you. Would they be shocked? Jealous? Enraged? You took a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves before entering the castle courtyard. You saw all types of people walking in together. Everyone seemed to have smiles on their faces, though nothing had happened yet.

Once you got closer to the entrance, you saw multiple stormtroopers standing at the door. That had to mean that some high level First Order people were attending. The door man opened the door for you and took your cloak. Before you entered he gave you a weird look, but you didn't think much of it. It was probably only because you never came to these balls.

All eyes were on you as you walked in. You guess you'd hadn't gotten the memo that the colors were black, red, silver, and white. You were the only person wearing a different color, and you could already hear people whispering.

"Doesn't she know what this is?"

"Obviously she doesn't listen much."

"This is so disrespectful."

You shook off the whispers and continued to walk in the ballroom, looking for any signs of your friends. It was pretty hard to find anyone because everyone was basically wearing the same color. You weren't paying attention to where you were going, to busy on looking for familiar faces, when you bumped into someone

"Oh, I am so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." You said while lifting your head to see the stranger's face. Your face fell when your eyes met with the familiar black mask. Your breath caught in your throat, you didn't think you'd actually run into him. 

"Since you ran into me," he raised his hand towards you, "how about a walk around the garden as pay back."

"Wouldn't you prefer a dance?"

"That'll come later, little bird." A small smile grew on your face as you took his hand. He pulled you to what looked like the royal garden. The scenery took your breath away, there were flowers of all kinds, everywhere. Not to mention the greenhouse that sat in the middle of everything.

"Wow, this is beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you."

"Hmmm, who knew Commander Ren was a flirt." You were able to hear a small chuckle, you never imagined that he would chuckle, as he led you further into the garden. He led you to a bench where you both sat.

"If I may, I wanted to say thank you."

"For what? Showing you a garden?"

"No, for saving me. You might not remember but I do."

"Why would I have not saved you?"

"Because you didn't know me."

"I think I know quite a lot about you."

"Hmmm what do you know?"

"I know this is your first royal ball, you choose not to go to them. I know that you attended the jedi academy, and were quite talented. Your name is (Y/N) (Y/LN). You got that dress from your mother, it was her wedding dress. I also know that you have waited for this moment for a while" Confusion fell through your body, how did he know that?

"How did you---"

"You infatuate me. Always have and always will."

"So you decided to learn things about me?"

"Yes, and all they did was fuel my infatuation," he stood from the bench and extended his hand to you. You watched his movements carefully, "come with me." You looked at him completely confused. What did he mean by 'come with me'? Does that mean just join the First Order? Or does that mean by his side?

"It means join the First Order, by my side. You could be whatever you want to be, as long as you stay by my side." You took his hand and used it to stand up.

"My loyalty lies with you, Commander."

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