Laxus: "Does that mean those two are in trouble...?"

Almost as suddenly as Natsu and Gajeel took control of the match, Rogue and Sting took it right back with a sudden attack of their own. For the next few moments of the battle, Sting and Rogue landed a barrage of strikes on Natsu and Gajeel, and the two couldn't even strike back. Eventually however, Sting punched Natsu and left a paralyzing stigmata on his stomach, while Rogue was dodging Gajeel's attacks with ease.

Nathaniel: "If they think those paltry attacks are enough to stop Gajeel and Natsu, they're in for a world of pain."

With this moment, came another turnaround, as Gajeel caught Rogue's hand and started landing a few punches of his own, and Natsu, surprisingly enough, burned off the magic circle on his stomach and countered one of Sting's blows.

Yet again, the tide of the battle changed, with Natsu and Gajeel holding the higher ground, yet it only lasted for a mere moment, before the two dragons from Sabertooth powered up again. Only this change, was something no one could have ever predicted. Dragon Force. His thoughts were cut short, as Rogue stood there, and Sting rushed forward, taking on both Natsu and Gajeel at the same time, and pummeling them both. It lead to the point where Sting unleashed a devastating breath attack, and blasted a hole in the arena. From that part on, the fight could only be watched from the Lacrima Vision, but from there, it showed Natsu and Gajeel finally landing an attack on Sting and sending him plummeting to the ground. However, moments afterwards, Sting got up like nothing happened and proceeded to get ready in order to launch another attack.

Sting: "Holy Ray!"

With those words uttered, Sting unleashed a barrage of White Dragon Slayer magic that struck Natsu and Gajeel and send the two crashing to the ground. The Fairy Tail wizards quickly got back up and went back to attacking Sting, but it was a fruitless effort, as Sting dodged and countered every attempted attack. Eventually, Sting unleashed a ray of White Dragon Magic and Natsu and Gajeel finally collapsed.

Sting raised his arm in a show of victory, and for a moment, the crowd cheered for Sabertooth's win, and everyone watched as Natsu and Gajeel laid there, motionless.

Nathaniel: "No, it's not over. Not by a long shot. GET UP YOU TWO!!!"

As it almost on cue, Natsu and Gajeel got back up, stretching and cracking a few of their bones in the process. They then went on an argument about one of Sting's habits, and then midway through the argument, Natsu pushed Gajeel onto a minecart and sent him and the minecart barreling through a mineshaft.

After which, Natsu turned to Sting and Rogue, and openly declared that it was going to be Sting and Rogue vs. Natsu. Natsu held up his hands, and his flames danced about on his fingertips and spelled "Come on." From that point onward, it was a completely one sided fight, with Natsu completely beating down Sting and Rogue, even with the other two DragonSlayers in Dragon Force mode. Then, it all ended with a clash between Sting and Rogue's Unison Raid, and Natsu's final attack.

Sting and Rogue: "Holy Shadow Dragon's Flash Bang!"

The two unleashed their attack, and a giant burst of Light and Shadow was sent towards Natsu. Natsu, powered up his flames and retaliated with his own attack.

Natsu: "Dragon Slayer Secret Art! Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade!"

Natsu's attack broke right through the Unison Raid and enveloped Sting and Rogue in a fiery explosion. The clash was enough to make the arena shake, and even blur the Lacrima Vision due to the impact. The Lacrima Vision recovered just in time to display Sting and Rogue falling unconscious and collapsing, marking Natsu as the winner of the fight.

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