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Elliot filed the paperwork the next morning and after a week of having it process, Elliot officially had full legal and physical custody of Miles. The transition from Brandy being Miles' mother to having Olivia be his mother wasn't huge. Miles really took to Olivia, which made this whole arrangement so much easier.

"Mama!" Miles yelled, as he came barreling into his parents' bedroom. Olivia and Elliot were tangled together and were really missing the days where they could sleep in. However, they knew Miles was worth the early mornings and the late nights.

"Yes, Miles?" Olivia yawned, as she kept her head buried in Elliot's shoulder.

"I'm up! Can we play?" Miles asked, as he quickly climbed onto the bed before pulling Olivia away from Elliot.

"Buddy, it's like six. Can't we sleep longer?" Olivia questioned as she rolled over and looked at the little boy. His blonde curls were a mess, and his eyes still were filled with sleep.

"I wanna play, Mama. Please?" He begged, and Olivia shook her head before pulling Miles close. She settled him in the middle of herself and Elliot before smoothing his curls.

"I think we need to sleep a little longer, baby. So close your eyes and try to sleep again. Daddy and I will tell you when we can get up." Olivia whispered, as she glanced at Elliot and saw him smiling at her.

"I wanna get up now, Mama. Please." Miles sniffled, as he popped out his lower lip and a few crocodile tears slipped down his cheeks.

"No, Miles. Close your eyes and try to sleep."

It took awhile, but eventually Miles fell asleep. He snuggled up against Olivia's chest, his thumb set firmly in his mouth.

"I can't help but smile when Miles calls you Mama. It makes me really happy." Elliot whispered as he reached over and tucked a curl behind Olivia's ear.

"It makes me happy too, but this child doesn't understand the idea of sleeping in. After the week we had, I could really use the extra sleep." Olivia yawned.

"If he wakes up again, then I will make him breakfast and play with him. You can get some extra sleep. Okay?"

"I'm his mother, El. I gotta just get used to it." Olivia frowned before looking down at Miles. She kissed his forehead softly before snuggling closer to him.

"And you are an amazing mother, Liv."


Miles woke up an hour later, so Elliot took him out of the room and got him feed and dressed for the day. Then they settled down and played with a ton of cars, while Olivia caught up on sleep. At around nine, Olivia was rested and ready for the day with her little boy and tired boyfriend.

"Mama!" Miles exclaimed, as he ran to Olivia. Olivia squatted down and pulled Miles close as he clung to her.

"Hey, sweetie. Have you been good for Daddy?"

"I think so." Miles giggled.

"Now that I'm awake, why don't we go to the park and Daddy can take a nap and shower. Okay?"

"Liv, I'm good. I can spend the day with my two favorite people." Elliot yawned, and Olivia shook her head.

"You are exhausted already. Thanks for covering for me, but now it is my time to cover for you. So please, go take care of yourself and I have this boy covered." 

Olivia sent Miles to get her shoes on, while Elliot walked to his girlfriend and held her close.

"Thanks." He whispered.

"If you cover for me, I'll cover for you. We just need to get used to being parents, while also working long hours. So if I get to sleep in, you get to take a nap."

"I really like that deal. It makes me love you more than before." Elliot smiled, before leaning close and pressing soft kisses to Olivia's lips.


Elliot slept deeply, so he didn't hear when his phone rang. He only woke up when he heard his mother yelling his name into the apartment.

"Ma?" Elliot yawned as he stretched his arms above his head.

"Son, we have been calling you and trying to get ahold of you for hours!" Bernie huffed as she made her way into the living room, where Elliot had finally moved.


"Olivia and Miles were in an accident. We gotta get you to the hospital."

"Accident? What? They were just walking to the park. They aren't hurt. There has to be a mistake." Elliot spoke, his words shaking as they left his lips.

"I will tell you everything on the way there. You just need to get dressed. So go." Bernie spoke.

Elliot struggled to get dressed, and the walk down to his mother's car was a blur. He eventually looked at her as his hands shook.

"So what happened? Olivia wasn't driving, so it couldn't have been a car accident." Elliot whispered.

"It involved a car, though. They were walking to the park and a drunk driver drove onto the sidewalk. Olivia didn't have a lot of time to react, but she managed to shove Miles out of the way before he got hit."

"She got hit?!" Elliot cried, as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Yes, sweetie. But they got her to the hospital, and they are helping her." 

"I can't lose her, Ma. I almost died, and now she has to. But she can't actually die. Liv and I are going to get married and spend the rest of our lives together."

"Don't give up, Elliot. All we can do is pray and put our faith in the doctors that are working on her."


Olivia was still in surgery, so no one could see her. But those who were waiting for news on Olivia, were now sitting with Miles. He had only a few scrapes and bruises, but he was silent because he had watched his beloved Mama get hit by a car.

"Miles." Elliot breathed, as he sat on the edge of the bed and looked at his son. Miles looked up from his hands and stared at his father.

"Mama was bleeding. It was really bad." He whispered, before looking back down at his hands.

"I know, buddy. But she'll be okay. I promise." Elliot breathed, before leaning down and kissing the top of his son's head.

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