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"What stuff, my love?" Elliot asked as he ran his fingers over Olivia's stomach. Elliot was worried because things just seemed to get worse. It never got better.

"El, it's a lot. I don't want to force it onto you and stress you out." Olivia frowned. She hated that she hadn't been able to hide her feelings from her husband.

"Liv, whatever is bothering you... I need to know about it. We are a unit, and your feelings and emotions are mine too." Elliot spoke, as he sat up.

Olivia sighed softly before climbing out of bed. She was about to escape into the bathroom but her husband stopped her. He turned her around to face him, before examining her face for any clues about what was bothering. What her mother may have said to her.

"My biological father was very forceful with my mother in college. I guess that he forced her to have sex with him and give him sexual favors when she didn't want to... but my mother doesn't know if one night they had unprotected sex that led to me... or if she had been raped. We wouldn't be surprised if she had been, especially because my father thinks he is better than everyone else." Olivia breathed.

Elliot was shocked, and he quickly looped his arms around his wife before hugging her tightly. Olivia didn't start crying since she had cried a ton before Elliot had gotten home, so they just hugged for awhile. Eventually Elliot stepped back and locked eyes with his wife.

"Are you okay?"

"Not really, but I don't know what I can do. I'm twenty-three so he couldn't be charged with raping her if they found evidence. But I feel like my mother and I may be able to work through this all. Matty and Doug will be harder to make up with, but I think it won't be too hard with my mom... she does want to talk to you." Olivia spoke.

"To me?" Elliot asked hesitantly. He and Serena didn't really have a great relationship, so he wasn't looking forward to talk to her.

"Yes, to apologize. Now, can we drop this and go to bed?"


"I swear that I'm fine right now, El. So please get back into bed. I'll join you in a few minutes."


Elliot had work all week, so he got out of talking to his mother-in-law until the weekend. Olivia set up the meeting, and she joined her husband to make sure that nothing bad happened or nothing bad was said.

"Hey, sweetie." Serena smiled softly, when Olivia and Elliot showed up at the house. No one knew if they would address what Olivia's father did to Serena, so they wanted to talk about all of this in private.

"Hi, Mama... uh, sorry that we had to postpone this until the weekend. El is back to work and we have been busy with Miles and preparing for Jade." Olivia replied.

"Don't worry about it. I didn't want to force you guys into coming over... but thanks for coming over. It's been hard around here since Doug and Matty left."

"What?" Olivia asked with wide eyes. She knew that Matty had been kicked out, but she didn't know about Doug leaving.

"We are separated right now... it's hard, but we are taking time to be alone and then will address our relationship in a few months." Serena replied, as she shut the door behind her daughter and son-in-law. 

"I'm sorry, Mama. It's my-"

"It was my fault, not yours. Now, let me grab the tea I made and we can sit out back and talk."

Olivia, Serena, and Elliot sat outside at the picnic table. They sipped tea for a while, before Serena started to speak.

"Elliot, I would like to apologize for what I said and did. I never should have called the cops or cried rape when I should have known it didn't happen. I hadn't been a big fan of you, especially since you cheated on Liv when you were younger. But you have changed. You are more mature and I can look at you and see that you love my daughter. You are a great father to Miles and will be a great father to Jade." Serena spoke, as she tried to keep her eyes focused on her empty mug of tea.

She didn't want to see the looks on Elliot and Olivia's faces.

"Thanks for apologizing, Serena. I want you to know that I love your daughter and cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with her. When we found out that Olivia was pregnant, I know that it scared you. You jumped straight to thinking that I hurt her, as you had been hurt. But I want you to know that I won't hurt her. I am truly a changed man, and now my life is only worth living because I have Olivia, Miles, and Jade to think about." Elliot spoke.

Serena nodded slowly as she let out a slow breath.

"I don't want to cause more troubles in your lives, so I don't expect anything to come from this. I just wanted to apologize and then we can just let things sit. You two can discuss what you'd like to do." Serena smiled weakly.

She didn't want to tell them to leave her behind since she was so lonely right now, but she also didn't want to be forceful.

"You aren't going to be alone, Mama. I am not ready to have you completely involved in my life, but I don't want to ignore you anymore... and maybe if you want and Elliot agrees, you could take Miles for a night and get to know him more." Olivia smiled, before looking at her husband.

"I think he'd love to spend time with you, Serena. He needs to get to know his other grandmother." Elliot replied, and Serena smiled from ear to ear before nodding.

"I'd love to have Miles sleep over. And if you need me to, I could watch him when it's time for Jade to be born." Serena smiled.

"We will just play it by ear, but that might work out."

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