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Thanks to ashmo2000 for this chapter's idea!

"Don't lie to me, Olivia! Brandy and I are in love! I'm going to marry her one day, and we will have lots of kids! I will be happy with her, because she's not a lying bitch like you!" Elliot yelled. Olivia groaned deeply as she shook her head.

"Call her. Tell her that your heart isn't failing. See how fast she shows up to be with you. To take you home."

"No, you call her!" Elliot huffed.

"Sure. I'll call her and then maybe you will fucking apologize for calling me a bitch!" Olivia spat. She pulled her phone out and dialed Brandy's number as Elliot mumbled it to her. She put it on speaker, and after a few moments Brandy answered it.

"Hello?" She sighed.

"Hey Brandy, it's Olivia. So Elliot doesn't have his phone, and he wanted me to call you and tell you that he's perfectly fine. His heart isn't failing him, and it must have been just some freak attack. He was wondering if you wanted to come up and bring him home?" Olivia sighed.

"So he's perfectly okay?"


"He's mine then! Get the fuck away from him and I'll come get him." Brandy spat before hanging up on Olivia. 

Olivia turned and looked at Elliot, and she saw how red his face had gotten. He looked down at his hands before swallowing hard.

"She loves me, Liv. She is going to come up and see that I'm still sick, but she'll stick around. She's just scared that she'll lose me. So like she said, go away. Go back to Boston and your life." Elliot spoke.

"Are you kidding me? El-"

"Go away, Olivia. I don't love you and I never did. So leave." Elliot growled. Olivia nodded slowly before turning and walking out of Elliot's room. She shut the door, and Bernie quickly walked over to her.

"So Brandy broke up with Elliot? Are you two back together?!" Bernie smiled, and Olivia shook her head.

"He still wants Brandy, and he didn't believe me when I told him she doesn't want him anymore. We called her and I lied to Brandy and told her that Elliot was fine, and now she's on her way up here." Olivia sighed.


"Bernie, I love you and your family. You made me feel so welcomed when we were dating, but now there is nothing between us. Elliot said he doesn't love me and never did... coming here was a waste. I'm going to go home and see my parents and brother... but then I'm going back to Boston. I hope that Elliot makes it through this, and that maybe he can find a girl he actually loves."

Olivia turned and walked away as tears poured down her cheeks. She hated that she still loved Elliot and cared about him, even when he showed his true colors. When he finally told her that he never loved her.


Elliot was laying in his hospital bed when Brandy came up. She rushed into his room and stopped when she saw him, still pale and hooked up to oxygen.

"Why are you still laying there? Aren't you good enough to go home?" Brandy spoke as she looked Elliot over.

"My heart is failing again, babe. But once I can get a new one-"

"I don't want this! God, Elliot! You are worthless now! You can't play baseball or take me out on fancy dates! You are too sick, and it's fucking dumb! Did you put Olivia up to trick me, or did she do it herself?!" Brandy yelled.


"Don't babe me! Answer my question!"

"She lied to me. She said that you didn't want to be with me anymore, but I know you do. Just let me get better and-"

"I don't want a sick and weak boyfriend. I want a strong and hot one. You aren't that anymore. So leave me alone and go back to your stupid Olivia. She probably wants a weak boyfriend." Brandy spat.

"I thought you loved me! We were going to get married and have kids-"

"Kids? Do you want me to ruin this body? I'm perfect, and I won't have your big-headed kids ruin me. So goodbye." Brandy huffed.

Elliot laid in his bed with two different types of a broken heart. One type was his failing heart, the other was from finding out his relationship had been fake all along.


Three months later, Olivia was back in New York. She hadn't talked to Elliot since he kicked her out, and only talked to Carol and Bernie after Elliot's surgery. She wanted to make sure he lived, and he did. Now he was doing better, and she didn't really care about him at all. Well, she thought she didn't care about him at all, but she was just hiding it deep down.

Olivia wasn't too worried about being back in town. If Brandy truly changed, then Elliot had no reason to come to her. He'd be absorbed in the girl that was a complete monster, no matter how much she had claimed to change.

"You are so much like your father. Doing your freaking shopping on the last possible day." Olivia laughed as she helped her brother finish up his very late Christmas shopping.

"I learned this from him. He's on the other side of town doing the same thing." Matthew smiled.

Eventually, Matthew had to shop for Olivia, so he sent her to do something else. Olivia got herself a hot chocolate and sat in the food court while she looked at all the bright lights.


Olivia turned quickly when she heard her name spoke, and she didn't even bother to smile when she saw Elliot.


"My mom didn't tell me that you were in town. I thought you would have been spending Christmas with your dad."

"He's working Christmas, so I came into town to be with my mom... uh, how are you doing?" Olivia breathed.

"I'm doing much better. I wasn't on the list for too long because I got much worse, but I'm taking my medicine religiously. I can't play baseball anymore, but at least I got another scholarship and don't have to pay my full tuition." Elliot smiled.

"Good for you. I'm sorry about baseball."

"It's okay. Uh, how are you?"

"Do you really care?" Olivia sighed.


"We aren't friends. You never loved me, and I'm assuming you and Brandy are still together and in love. Especially since you insist that she's changed."

"We broke up the day you called her and told her that I was fine."

"Okay? I'm sorry that it happened." Olivia sighed.

"Well, do you think that maybe we could try being together again?" Elliot asked, and Olivia laughed bitterly as she stood.

"You really fucked up, El. You burnt your bridges, and there isn't any going back from that. So I hope you have a good Christmas, and I hope to never see you again."

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