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They both were breathing heavily as their kissing turned into undressing each other. Olivia pushed Elliot away as she panted hard and looked at him.

"Liv? Are you okay?" Elliot asked as he looked Olivia over.

"Are we going to have sex?" Olivia asked weakly, and Elliot shrugged.

"I don't know... it was leading to that. Uh, are you not ready?" Elliot questioned, and Olivia swallowed hard as she tried to cover her chest up.

"I haven't had sex before. We never got to that point in our relationship, and I don't want to sleep with you and for this to end up in a bad spot. Like, what if you realize you really don't like me as much as you claim?" Olivia asked, and Elliot frowned before leaning in close to Olivia.

He kissed her lips softly before smiling as he rested his forehead against hers.

"Olivia, I have loved you even when we were together. I have dreamed of a day when we could be back together, even if it meant we were just best friends. Tonight has been amazing, and if you aren't ready to take this step with me yet... then I completely understand. I'd like you to be comfortable, and I will woo the pants off of you if I have too." Elliot spoke.

Olivia opened her eyes before locking them with Elliot's.

"I'm not ready." She whispered.

"Then we can just kiss if you'd like. Or we can cuddle for a bit longer before I head home."

"I'm sorry-"

"I'm not, babe. Just being here with you is amazing enough as it is."

"I love you, El." Olivia breathed before leaning closer and hugging Elliot tightly.

He really had matured, and the last few minutes really proved that. He was willing to wait until she was ready, and it meant the absolute world to Olivia.


After a long first week, Olivia and Elliot were ready for the weekend. Elliot didn't have any papers to take home, but Olivia did. So Elliot asked Olivia if they could spend the weekend together and he'd help her grade the worksheets that her students did.

"You know I don't really need help. All I have to do is look them over. Make a few marks and make sure the students wrote their names right." Olivia smiled as Elliot sat beside her and gently rubbed her thigh.

"Yeah, but I'd like to spend time with you... I enjoy being this close to you." Elliot spoke, before leaning close to Olivia and kissing her neck softly. Olivia swallowed hard as Elliot distracted her.

She loved having him around and having him showering her with kisses, but she had plans this weekend and she didn't want to have homework to grade.

"Don't you dare give me a hickey, Elliot Stabler." Olivia breathed, as Elliot titled her head so he could kiss her neck easier.

"Honey, how else is everyone going to know that you are taken?" Elliot smiled.

"Yeah but it will be hard to cover it up for work on Monday... and I don't need to explain to our coworkers that my boyfriend was sucking on my neck and refused to stop." Olivia spoke as she shoved Elliot away from her.

"Okay, but you are beyond beautiful and it's very hard to keep my lips off of you."

Olivia ignored her boyfriend for another hour before finding him in the living room with the news on. She sank down beside him before snuggling into his side.

"When do you think we should tell our families that we are back together? Or like, tell our bosses?" Olivia questioned.

"I'm thinking soon. I'd really like to bring you home for the holidays and kiss you out in public. Now, can I kiss you or do I have to wait until after dinner?" Elliot sighed. Olivia smacked his chest as she smiled.

"Let's go out for dinner. Then I'll let you kiss me and feel me up in the car before we head back here." Olivia replied. A grin grew on Elliot's lips, and he nodded.

"I love that deal, babe."


Elliot and Olivia went out to a diner near the school. They each ordered breakfast and a milkshake before chatting with each other. Elliot was using this opportunity to flirt with his girlfriend because he loved the way she blushed and a small smile would grow on her lips.

"I will be right back. You should get a check so we can head back to my place soon. You are sleeping over tonight, right?"

"Yeah, I'm sleeping over tonight. Take your time." Elliot smiled. Olivia leaned across the table and kissed her boyfriend before heading towards the bathroom.

Elliot got the check before pulling some money out of his wallet and counting it out. As he was tossing a tip onto the table, a blonde-haired little boy climbed into Olivia's side of the booth. Elliot eyed the boy for a moment before looking around to see if he could spot a parent.

"Hey, buddy. Are you lost?" Elliot asked.

"Mommy said you are my daddy." He spoke, and Elliot knitted his eyebrows together as he shook his head.

"I'm not your Daddy, little guy. Where is your Mommy?" Elliot questioned.

"She's outside smoking. It smells." The boy spoke as he plugged his nose and waved his hand in front of his face. Elliot sighed before nodding.

"Okay. We should find your Mommy." 

Olivia came out of the bathroom a few moments later and she was confused on why Elliot was holding this little boy's hand.

"What's happening?"

"His mom is outside smoking, and she sent him in to see me or something. So we are going to go find his Mommy."

"Okay." Olivia breathed.

They walked outside and Olivia held the boy's other hand as she they crossed the parking lot. Standing by the restaurant's sign was a woman, and she was lighting up another cigarette.

"Ma'am? Are you this little guy's mom?" Elliot asked once they got closer. She sighed before turning to look at him.

"And you are his father." She huffed.

"Huh?" Elliot asked as he glanced over at Olivia to see how pale her face went.

"You are the piece of shit that knocked me up. He's your kid, Elliot. I think it's time you take over." She spoke before stepping closer to Elliot. She was in better light, and Elliot and Olivia both felt sick to their stomach.

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