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The stressful week came to an end, and the seniors were finally dismissed for the year. While a lot of students were busy making plans for that night and the week before graduation, Olivia was planning on going home and sleeping. That is all she felt like doing, and no one really blamed her.

Elliot hated himself more than ever before, especially because Olivia was accepted to Cambridge University in Boston, so he didn't know if he'd ever see her again. She may never come back to New York, just because he had been an asshole.

"I'm giving you one more shot." Brandy spoke as she approached Elliot at the end of the day. Lockers had been cleaned out and exams had been taken, so now there was nothing for the seniors to do but show up for practice graduation and the real deal one in a week.

"I don't want another shot." Elliot sighed.

"She's leaving the state and doesn't want to be with you anymore, so you are free. Get used to liking me, because I always get what I want." Brandy smiled.

"Okay, so no. And also, why do you hate Olivia so much? She's the nicest girl in the school."

"No, I'm the nicest girl and the most popular one in the school." Brandy huffed.

"Popular? Sure, I'll give you that. But you aren't nice at all. So, tell me why you hate her so much."

"I'm not doing that, so I'll see you at your truck. I want to go and get ice cream and then maybe we can make out. I'll even let you touch my boobs." Brandy smiled.

"I have already seen you naked, so why would your boobs make me happy? I think we all know by now that you stuff your bra." Elliot sighed, before walking away.


Graduation night came and went with an unexpected speech from Brandy as she talked about all the people she loved at the school, with some pretty nasty comments about Olivia tossed in. But as fast as the night came, it ended. Summer began and everyone started to make plans for the next phase of their lives.

Olivia had decided long ago to go out of state for school, while Elliot got accepted to Manhattan College with a baseball scholarship. They were going their separate ways, which made Elliot hate himself even more. Olivia was going to Boston with a broken heart, and Elliot prayed that Olivia didn't get hurt even more at school with a bunch of college jerks.

"I was told that you needed help?" Elliot asked as he approached the woman who needed help grabbing a package of boxes from the top shelf.

"Yeah, I can't reach those. I would climb up the shelves, but I heard it's frowned upon." Olivia chuckled, before that smiled faded from her lips when she saw Elliot. They hadn't seen or talked to each other since the night of their graduation, but both still hurt like crazy. Olivia still missed Elliot, even if he had cheated on Brandy and was now dating her.

"Wow, your hair has gotten so long... and you have glasses? I didn't recognize you." Elliot replied softly as he reached up and grabbed the boxes for Olivia.

"Yeah, I guess I had worse eyesight than anyone thought." Olivia mumbled. She took the package from Elliot before hesitantly sitting it in her cart. Elliot grabbed her another one, but held onto it as he talked to her again.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm doing okay. What about you?" Olivia asked weakly.

"I'm happy, I guess. Brandy is really growing up and-"

"Can we not talk about her? I still really don't like her. I get that she might have grown up since we graduated and that she might be a better person right now, but she still hurt me my whole life and I would prefer to not hear her name."

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Are you moving soon?" Elliot asked.

"My parents and I are driving to Boston on Sunday. I have an apartment that I'm renting, and I just have to get moved in."

"That'll be fun for you... uh, I should probably get back to work. But, would you mind calling me when you arrive? Just to make sure that you got there safe?" Elliot questioned, and Olivia let out a small laugh before shaking her head.

"I don't think that I'll do that. Uh, I also don't think I'll be coming back here. My Dad lives in Boston, so I will have family there."

"Liv, can't we be friends? I think that we might be better off as friends instead of partners." Elliot smiled as he quickly walked over and grabbed Olivia's cart so she couldn't walk away.

"I'm going to be about five hours away from here. I will have classes to take, and I already have a job waiting for me. I will be busy making friends and settling in, so there really isn't a reason why we should be friends. I won't have time to talk to you, and I really don't think that Brandy would like us talking. She's going to be a Stabler one day, so you should keep her happy." Olivia said with a forced smile.

"I don't know if I'll marry her, Liv. But we are trying this out."

"Well, you won't be marrying me either. So take care, El. Don't hurt yourself when you are playing baseball."

"Don't you want me in pain?!" Elliot called after Olivia as she walked down the aisle.

"I think Matty hurt you enough!"


Boston was beyond amazing. Olivia's first night there, she couldn't sleep because she was so excited to be on her own and be able to explore. She was also excited to spend time with her father, because she only saw him on the holidays and more time with him would be nice.

"Are you sure that you are good?" Serena asked as she and her husband packed up to leave Olivia's apartment.

"Yeah, I'm good. Dad is going to come over tonight to help set up a few other things, and then we are going to go walking around the city." Olivia smiled as she put another picture on the wall of her living room.

"Kid, if you ever need anything... just call us, okay?" Doug spoke, and Olivia nodded before walking to her step-father. She hugged him tightly before doing the same to her mother.

"I will make sure to call you both if I need anything, just as long as it isn't time sensitive." Olivia spoke.

"Do you think that you will get better here?" Serena asked as she looked her daughter over. 

"What do you mean?" Olivia replied.

"After what happened between you and Elliot. You have been depressed and anxious, and we are just worried." Doug spoke before his wife could.

"I think the distance will be good. I'm going to be free of all the reminders, especially the fact that Brandy and Elliot are together now. I'll grow stronger and start forgetting about what we had."

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