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While Olivia was at home with Miles, Elliot went out to tell his parents about his newly discovered son. He told Olivia that he could take Miles with him, but Olivia told him that this little guy was just as much her responsibility as his, and she was completely fine with taking care of him. They were in this together.

"Ma? Dad?" Elliot called once he unlocked the front door.

"El? What are you doing here?" Bernie questioned as she quickly walked out of the kitchen.

"I just needed to talk. Is Dad here?"

"Yeah, he's upstairs getting Jessica up. Is something wrong?"

"I don't think anything is wrong... I just needed to talk. So can I help you with breakfast while we wait?"

"Of course, honey. I have coffee just waiting for you." Bernie smiled.

"Thanks, Ma."

Elliot helped his mother make breakfast, and then he did the cleanup. Once he was done, he sent Jessica outside to swing, and he sat on the back porch with his parents as they watched her.

"So what's happening, honey?" Bernie asked as she looked over at her son.

"So do you want the good news first, or the news I'm freaking scared about?" Elliot breathed.

"Let's hear the good news first." Joseph spoke.

"Okay, well Olivia and I are back together."

"Oh, El! That is amazing news!" Bernie exclaimed.

"I'm glad you are happy, because I also have to tell you that I have a son."

"Olivia's pregnant?!"

"No! Olivia and I are taking things slow. She's not pregnant, but Brandy was, and now I have a son. His name is Miles, and he is three. Brandy said she doesn't want him anymore, so she gave him to me. Olivia and I are going to raise him together."

"Huh?" Joseph breathed.

"I didn't know about Miles, because Brandy never told me. She said that I ruined her life by getting her pregnant. She said that she hates Miles and has never, nor ever will, love him. I know you are disappointed in me, but I am going to raise this boy to be an amazing man."

"Oh, sweetheart." Bernie whispered.

"I'm so sorry." 

"Don't apologize, son. This isn't what we were expecting, but I have to say that I'm proud of you. For stepping up and taking care of your son."

"He's amazing. You two are going to love him." Elliot smiled weakly.

"If he's anything like you, then we are going to love him a lot."


"You are hungry again?" Olivia asked with wide eyes as she finished folding a load of laundry. Miles sat beside her on the sofa, and he nodded as he helped her fold one of his shirts.

"My belly hurts." Miles frowned.

"Did your Mommy not feed you?" Olivia questioned, and Miles nodded.

"She didn't feed me a lot... that is why my belly is hungry."

"Oh, sweet boy. I'm sorry about that... why don't I get you a snack. Do you want crackers or maybe some grapes?"

"Can I have a little of both?" Miles asked nervously. He acted as if would get in trouble for asking.

"Baby, don't be nervous about asking me for food. Your Daddy and I want to make sure you are never hungry. Okay?"

"Are you going to be my Mommy? My other one was mean... I don't want to go back to her." Miles whispered.

"We should probably talk to your daddy about that. But until then, lets go get you that snack. How about a cup of milk too?" Olivia smiled, and Miles nodded quickly.

"Yes, please."

Olivia took Miles into the kitchen and gave him his snack. He downed one glass of milk before politely asking for a little more. Olivia had just put the carton away when her front door opened. She quickly excused herself before going to check on her boyfriend.

"Hey, how'd it go?" Olivia questioned.

"They aren't disappointed in me. They are actually proud of me for stepping forward and taking care of Miles."

"That is so good, baby." Olivia smiled. She stepped closer to Elliot before hugging him tightly. Elliot nestled his head into the crook of Olivia's neck as she rubbed his back.

They stood there for a while, before Miles shyly came into the hallway.

"Uh, I'm done."

"Done with what, buddy?" Elliot questioned as he stepped away from Olivia and swung his son into his arms.

"My snack."

"Was it good?" Elliot asked, and Miles nodded.

"Yeah, Miss Olivia cuts up the grapes just like I like them."

"That's good, buddy. Now, why don't you go play."

"Can I ask you something first?" Miles questioned, and Elliot's eyes went wide, but he still nodded.

"Yeah, of course."

"Is Miss Olivia going to be my Mama? Or can I call her Mommy or Mama?"

"Um, let's wait on that."

"Why?" Miles whispered, as tears welled in his blue eyes.

"Because I want to file all of my paperwork before we do that. I don't want your... for Brandy to come back suddenly and tear you from us."

"Okay, Daddy... can I still hug her and stuff?"

"Of course you can, buddy! You can hug me whenever you want and I'll take great care of you." Olivia smiled as she stepped closer to Elliot and Miles.


After telling Elliot's parents, it was now time to tell Olivia's parents about their relationship and little Miles. Olivia asked her family over for dinner and planned on texting her father after they left to tell him what was happening.

"So where's dinner?" Matthew asked as soon as he was let into his sister's apartment.

"It's coming. Just before it gets here, I have some things to tell you."

"Yeah, like why there are little boy shoes right here." Serena spoke, as she leaned down and grabbed a pair of Miles' shoes.

"So, Elliot and I are back together." Olivia smiled, deciding that this is the easiest part to start with.

"What?" Serena asked.

"And those shoes belong to Elliot's son. I am going to help him raise him, because the boy's mother wants nothing to do with him... and the mother is Brandy. She is just as much of a bitch as before."

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