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Serena did end up being a part of their lives again. She had a lot of apologizing to do, but everyone understood and let her back into their lives. Serena helped out a lot and spent most of her days with Olivia and Miles when Bernie was at work.

A month before Olivia's due date, Serena really helped out because there was a scare regarding Jade's heart. So Serena stayed with Miles, while Olivia and Elliot traveled to Boston with Bernie. There was a specialist there that was going to run additional tests on the unborn baby, and they were hoping nothing was actually wrong with Jade's heart.

"I'm freaking out." Olivia spoke, as she anxiously bounced her leg as they waited for the specialist to show up. They had been waiting for twenty minutes, but those were twenty minutes that allowed Olivia to freak out and get more anxious than before.

"Sweetheart, they will be in soon. Hopefully, they can just perform another ultrasound and tell us that Jade's heart is perfect, and that nothing is wrong at all." Bernie smiled as she reached over and gently grabbed Olivia's hand.

"What if Jade has my heart condition?" Elliot asked as he turned to look at his mother and wife.

Olivia swallowed hard and closed her eyes tightly to stop tears from slipping down her cheeks.

"Let's not jump straight to that. We should pray, because maybe talking to God about our worries will ease them."


Olivia was taken back to a room and two different ultrasounds were performed. One was normal, and the other was a 3D one. After those were performed and Olivia had blood drawn for some reason, they were taken to a conference room where everyone could sit and discuss the results of the test.

"Alright, sorry for the wait. I'm Dr. Rowe, the fetal heart specialist." The woman smiled as she walked into the room.

"Uh, I'm Elliot Stabler and this is Olivia. And my mother Bernie, who came for support." Elliot spoke, since Olivia was pretty quiet since her ultrasounds.

"It's nice to meet you all. I did have a chance to look at the ultrasounds and my co-worker did too. He'll be in soon to discuss what he has seen. But I don't believe that anything is actually wrong with your daughter's heart."

"Really?" Olivia asked, her voice shaking as she spoke.

"Really, Olivia. Sometimes there are just shadows or random situations that make it seem like something is wrong when it isn't. But once your baby is born, the pediatrician will want to run some additional tests just in case. Is there anyone in your family that does have heart conditions?" Dr. Rowe asked, and Olivia turned and looked at her husband.

Elliot was relieved that they thought Jade's heart was okay, but he still felt bad. He didn't want his baby girl to go through the same pain and suffering as he had.

"I have a weak heart... or had one. I am on my second transplant." Elliot breathed.

"Why did you reject the first heart?" Dr. Rowe asked, as she started to take notes.

"They really don't know, I guess. We just know that it happened and it sucked."

"Okay, would you be able to release your records to me so we can look them over?"

"Yeah, of course. I'll go and contact my doctor." Elliot spoke. He excused himself and walked outside to make a call.

Bernie talked to Dr. Rowe about what she could remember about Elliot's heart issues, but stopped when the door opened.

"Okay, I'm Dr. Benson." The man spoke as he walked into the room. Olivia moved her eyes away from Dr. Rowe and looked at her father.

"Dad." Olivia whispered, and Daniel lifted his eyes from the file and looked at his daughter.


"Uh, what are you doing here?" Olivia breathed.

"This is my colleague. I didn't know you two were related... is that going to be a problem?" Dr. Rowe asked, and Daniel shook his head.

"Nah, I don't think so. Unless I see your rapist husband." Daniel snapped, and Dr. Rowe gasped as Olivia stood slowly. She walked over to her father and looked him over for a moment before slapping him as hard as she could.

"He's not a rapist, but you are. Keep your mouth fucking shut, Daniel. I know what you did, and I am disgusted by you." Olivia growled.


Daniel was not happy after being slapped and yelled at by his only daughter. He was beyond pissed, and he grabbed her by her neck and pinned her against the wall. He started to squeeze her throat as she scratched at his hands, but he was stronger than her and determined to squeeze the life out of her. A sick smile grew on his lips as Olivia started to see black dots dancing in her vision.

Dr. Rowe and Bernie yelled at Daniel and tried to get him to release Olivia, but he didn't budge until Elliot came into the room and tackled him.

"GET OFF OF ME!" Daniel yelled, as Bernie ran from the room to get security and Dr. Rowe looped her arm around Olivia's waist and helped her to a chair.

"You tried to kill my wife!" Elliot screamed, as he kept Daniel pinned to the ground. He wasn't going to let him up after coming into the room and witnessing as Daniel kept his hands wrapped around Olivia's neck.

"She's a lying piece of shit, just like you! She is a mistake and I wish I would have killed her and that slutty mother of hers!" Daniel snapped, before he spit at Elliot.

Elliot held his fist back to punch Daniel, but he didn't get to do that since security came inside.

There was a flurry of motion and everything was a blur for Elliot until his wife whispered his name.

"I'm here." Elliot whispered as he walked around and squatted down in front of his wife. He placed his hands on her belly as he tried to not start crying.

"He raped her." Olivia whimpered, and Elliot nodded.

"Yeah, I know."

"He hated when I called him out on it... and even if my throat hurts and I'm scared... I'm so glad that I know now..."

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