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"You haven't stopped caring about me?" Elliot asked, as he played with the tube that led to the oxygen nubbins in his nose.

"N-no, I haven't. That's why I took a five-hour train ride here, didn't sleep at all because I was too worried about you, and now I'm here and your girlfriend isn't." Olivia sighed.

"Liv, Brandy will be here. She's probably just scared. I am too, but I'm stronger than her." Elliot spoke. Olivia swallowed hard before standing.

"I hope you live, because I don't want your parents to go through the pain of losing you... but I have to get back to Boston. I have class and work..." Olivia sighed. She didn't like that Elliot was making excuses for Brandy. If Olivia and Elliot were still dating, Olivia knew that she would have followed the ambulance to the hospital and wouldn't leave his side.

"Please don't leave. I want to catch up. I miss you."

"I'll text you, okay? I'm going to go and see if your family is back. They went to get something to eat, and I was just waiting around for an update." Olivia spoke. She looked at Elliot for a few more moments before hesitantly leaving Elliot's room.

"If you see Brandy, can you send her in?" Elliot called weakly, and Olivia sighed from the doorway before nodding.

"Sure. I'll make sure to send her right in."


Olivia went outside after finding the Stabler's and telling them that Elliot was awake. Olivia sat down on a bench and busied herself with contacting her boss and her professors. She told them that it was a family emergency, but that she'd be back as soon as possible. Olivia had worked her ass off so far, so her professors and her boss were understanding at the moment.

When she was just about to call a cab to take her to her mom's house, she heard some crying from the stairs behind her. Olivia stood and turned around before seeing Brandy crying. Olivia groaned deeply before walking over to Brandy. She sat beside her before gently touching her arm.

"Elliot is alive. He is rejecting his heart, but he's on the transplant list. He was asking about where you are, so you should go in and see him." Olivia breathed.

"Why are you even here, Olivia? He's my boyfriend." Brandy spat, even if Olivia had been completely nice to her.

"I'm here because Elliot's mom wanted me here. She wanted me to be here just in case Elliot dies, because I still care about him. You can keep saying that he is your boyfriend, but I was the one here to see him when he woke up, and you weren't. I don't know where you were, but running away wasn't the best choice." Olivia huffed. She stood and started to walk away, but Brandy grabbed her arm and pulled her back down.

"Is he really going to live?" Brandy frowned as she raked her hands through her hair.

"Yeah, I think so. He's being really brave."

"You can have him." Brandy spoke as she looked over at Olivia.


"I don't want a boyfriend that is broken and weak. I liked Elliot because he was strong and he looked great in his baseball uniform. But now he can't play because of his stupid fucking heart. So you can have him." Brandy spat. She stood and walked away while Olivia just stared ahead in disbelief.


Olivia went to her mom's house and slept until noon before heading back to the hospital. She showered and got dressed before heading back to the hospital. She was met in the waiting room by Elliot's older sister, Carol.

"It's nice to see you again, Liv. Especially since no one has seen Brandy since everything happened." Carol spoke, as she sat her magazine to the side and looked at Olivia.

"Uh, I saw her before I left." Olivia spoke softly.

"Okay, but did she say anything to you? Because Elliot is still asking for her, even if she's a complete bitch that seems to have abandoned him." Carol sighed. Everyone in Elliot's family hated Brandy, and no one could figure out why Elliot still insisted on dating her.

"She said she doesn't want a broken and weak boyfriend, so she said that I could have him."


"She wanted him because he was strong and looked great in his baseball uniform. But now, because he is rejecting his heart again, she doesn't want him. It's dumb... he's so much more than his looks. He has a great personality, sense of humor, and he was so caring..." Olivia frowned.

"And you still love him." Carol smiled softly.

"I-i don't love him. He cheated on me, and he wasn't a great boyfriend. I really don't think that I could ever love him again." Olivia admitted, but she was also lying to herself. She was still in love with Elliot, but she was trying to forget about that love since Elliot hurt her so badly in the past.

"Keep telling yourself that. Now, do you want to go upstairs and talk to him? Tell him what happened with Brandy?" Carol asked, and Olivia shrugged.

"I don't know... aren't your other siblings and parents up with him?"

"Yeah, and I was waiting down here for you. So, we can go up together and see him, or I can go up and tell him myself."

"No! I'll tell him... especially because I was the one to hear it myself."


Olivia was left alone with Elliot when she went up to see him. Bernie gave her a hug and told her how happy she was that she came back again, which made Olivia feel more guilty about having to break the news about Brandy to Elliot.

"I'm glad you came back." Elliot smiled as he kept his eyes locked on Olivia.

"I needed to talk to you again, and I thought it would be better to tell you face to face instead of over the phone or through text." Olivia rambled a bit.

"Okay? What's wrong? I thought you were going back to Boston last night."

"I was, but I ended up talking to my boss and my professors. But, um... I saw Brandy last night."

"Really?! Where?!" Elliot smiled.

"She was here, but she doesn't want to be with you anymore." Olivia sighed.

"Olivia, don't lie to me. Don't be a bitch." Elliot huffed, his smile fading completely from his face.

"I'm not lying to you. She told me that I could have you, and for a few seconds I thought I might want that. Because I still love your dumb ass. But keep believing the person that has lied about everything, over me."

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