23. Birthday

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Annie's POV

"Annie wake up baby" I heard a familiar nice whisper as his hand traced through my face.

"Hmm Armin? What are you doing here?" I asked as he scoffed and kneeled beside me.

"You're already sleeping at work huh?" He joked in which I slapped his arm softly, earning a chuckle from him.

Armin's fingers traced again throughout my face, if it were any other person I would be pretty annoyed. But I feel completely comfortable, I want more.

"You have such a beautiful face" He randomly said in which caused me to chuckle for saying that out of the blue.

"My nose ruins it" I joked as heard him hum in denial.

I remember I wore glasses as a kid but it wouldn't hold because of my downward nose.

"I don't think so... in fact it's what I think makes you unique" He said as he leaned forward and kissed the bridge of my nose, making me blush heavily.

"I love what you're doing but why are you here?" I asked as Armin made a cute pouty face.

"Do you know what day it is?" He asked me as I shrugged my shoulder in response. I barely keep track of time, let alone holidays.

"Wow" He sighed as he pointed to my desk in front of me revealing a cupcake. I still don't know what we're celebrating but that cupcake looks delicious as hell. I looked back at Armin confused as he sighed deeply.

"Happy birthday Annie" He whispered as he kissed my temple and my eyes widened at the realization.

"I never had a real birthday before" I said as Armin wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Its okay, I asked your assistant, Gabi to help me buy a cupcake from the nearest bakery so yeah... what the fuck!" Armin yelled as I already ate the cupcake in a matter of seconds, later then he laughed loudly, making me feel embarrassed.

"So that's why Gabi stormed out of the room the other day, I should thank her. I loved the present... thank you" I said as Armin sighed.

"I'll buy you something else I promise" Armin stood up to leave as I stopped him when I grabbed his wrist. He looked down at me shocked.

"You can... pay for that right now" I smirked at him with eyes only he can understand, my lustful eyes.

Armin's breathing became heavy as he looked around the room as if there were cameras or people watching us, but it was pretty obvious we were the only ones here in the room.

I tugged on his wrist a couple of times to gain his attention again. He looked down at me with worried eyes.

"But it's... my birthday" I whimpered with a puppy face at him, and he couldn't resist.

He went below the desk and took off my pants, I was breathing heavily as I saw my man below my desk taking off my panties. I held his head as I pushed him down my womanhood, making out with my already wet folds.

I tried my best not to crush Armin's head with my strong thighs, because trust me they are capable to do that.

I covered my mouth with my forearm as I leaned my head back of the chair looking up to the ceiling as Armin's licked my entrance up and down.

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