11. Desperate

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Mature and sexual content incoming, be warned

Armin's POV

I was working late at night as I sighed in boredom. I really have to finish all this paperwork but I have no motivation at all. Is it because Annie's away for a while?

Am I being too clingy?

I'm worried about her when she's the one who's supposed to protect me. She's also one of the best fighters I've ever seen, so she could definitely handle herself. I just wanna spend time with her more, now that we're a... thing?

"HEYAAA COCONUT HEAD!" I gasped as Hange barged into my office holding a bunch of files. I sighed at my long time nickname that I had when I had a big ass bowl cut. She started to call me coconut head because of that.

"Hey Hange, what is it?" I asked as she squealed in excitement when she sat down in front of my desk. She put down some documents on my desk, which I thought was more paperwork and I sighed.

"Don't worry it ain't more paperwork for you, it's just some evidence about a Warrior that we've found" She said which made me widen my eyes.

"Is it the Armored Titan?" I asked a bit angrily because we know that it was the Armored Titan who stabbed me.

"Unfortunately no... sorry. Although it's one who's nickname is the "Cart Titan" She explained as I calmed down a bit.

"I don't know much about that one... what about it?" I said as she smiled creepily at me.

"Well some nearby people saw someone entering a getaway vehicle just outside of the abandoned house you and Annie investigated the same exact time you were stabbed" She said which made me feel incredibly relieved.

"Did we get a look on the Armored Titan?" I exclaimed as Hanged pursed her lips and sighed.

"No... he was wearing a black hood when he entered, we couldn't identify him" She said which made me look down.

"BUT! We did get a look on their driver... the Cart Titan!" She yelled out like a surprise for a birthday party as she gave me a photo of a clear image of long black haired girl in the driver's seat. She has a very kind looking face and looks very attractive.

"How do you know that this is actually the Cart Titan?" I asked as she pulled out a file to read.

"We've had a sketch of a couple of sightings of her and it matches" She explained as I nodded.

"We've crossed her face on the database and found her name... Pieck Finger" She lastly said which made me smile a bit.

We're finally getting something in our favor from the Warriors for once.


I took out my phone and answered the call as Hange was still sitting in front of me checking her files. I was relieved as I saw it was Annie.

"Oh hey Annie!" I said which made Hange look at me weird.

"Are you working late?" I heard Annie sigh as I chuckled. Hange then smirked at me.

Armin's Bodyguard Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora