20. Pain and Love

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Annie's POV
Mature and sexual content incoming

"I-Im sorry.."

I stood up looking down because I couldn't bare to look at him right now. I couldn't bare to see my lover's eyes broken and full of pain. What hurts more is that I caused that pain to his eyes.

I guess it's safe to say that my dreams about us having a happy life won't come true.

And it's because of my selfishness

"You're ... sorry? SORRY!?" Armin yelled as he came closer to me but I wasn't scared that he would lash out at me. If so... I deserve every beating I get.

"Annie... you've been lying to me ever since we MET!" Armin shouted as he grabbed both of my wrists and pushed me down the bed. He was hovering on top of me and I didn't as much as flinch... because I deserve this.

Armin looked at me intently with teary eyes full of pain. His tears falling on to my face but it didn't bother me.

"W-why didn't you tell m-me..." He whispered as my eyes widened at his question.

"I didn't want to... lose you" I spoke as Armin looked at me confused.

"You could've told me.. sooner" He whimpered as he still had me pinned down on the bed.

"I don't know if I... can trust you anymore" He whispered as it felt like a bullet passed through my heart.

It's happening... looks like my dreams aren't coming true but, my nightmares are.

Armin is leaving me

And I'll be alone... again

Living a life full of emptiness and devoid of love

What's the point in living like that?

It's over...

I couldn't help myself but let out uncontrollable tears from my eyes from under my lover. For the first time in my life the world felt like as if it has stopped. I closed my eyes just wishing that this would be another nightmare.

But I'm just living in one

A similar feeling that I felt a few months ago has come back to me. I have no reason to live anymore, whats the point?.

"Pl-please j-just... kill me..." I spoke my mind as I heard Armin lightly gasp on top of me.

"What are you..."

"JUST KILL ME!! PLEASE KILL ME!" I screamed out that tears came bursting out of my eyes. I leaned my head forward to his and looked at him intently. I saw him with his eyes widened.


"KILL ME!! KILL ME!! KILL ME!! JUST FUCKING KILL MEEE!!" I begged as Armin's tears fell on my face.

"Annie.. stop.."


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