10. Change of Plans

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Annie's POV

Armin was waiting on the front door for me as I was dressed up to go to the Warrior's meeting. I lied to him by telling him that I had to go to Trost and pick up some things. I arrived to the front door and Armin was there blocking it looking down. I chuckled and placed my palm to his chest. Armin looked at me and smiled. 

"Can't I come with you?" He asked.

"It'll be quick, I don't want to waste your time" I explained as he looked away and sighed heavily. 

"Nothing is a waste of time with you" He whispered to me as I scoffed at him and patted his hair. 

"You're so damn cheesy" I joked as he chuckled. 

I held his face with my both hands and pulled him down to kiss his forehead. I pulled out to look at him in his eyes. 

"I'll give you something more than that later... okay?" I seductively said as his cheeks were pink. 

"Okaaaaayyyy" He breathed out as he moved out of the way and I made my way to my motorcycle. As I put on my helmet and settled in, I saw Armin leaning by the doorframe smiling at me. I waved at him as he did the same. 


One hour later

I arrived at the safehouse, it was a normal looking apartment at the city of Trost, hence why it took so long to get here. I entered the apartment building and stood in front of the apartment door.

Apartment 139

I took a deep breath and entered the apartment. 

It was a very modern looking apartment big enough for a whole family to live in comfortably. Marleyan safehouses are supposed to look innocent and normal when we use them mainly for briefing. I found everyone in the dining room. All of my comrades were sitting on the rectangular table. 

"Annie welcome back... it's so good to see you!" Pieck squealed as she ran up to me and hugged me tight in which I just patted her back gently. I rolled my eyes and slowly pushed her off. 

I like Pieck, but I'm pretty sure if I was a boy I would hate her. Not that she's not attractive or anything. It's that she fucks every guy she meets. I'm sure she's slept with every member of the Warriors, either a one night stand or multiple times. Also she flirts, teases and sometimes touches men when she wants. So pretty much she's a slut.

But that doesn't mean that she's a bad person. She's not necessarily an assassin, she's more of for support, hence the "Cart Titan". 

"Hey Annie!" Marcel waved at me as I nodded at him. Porco beside him was crossing his arms as he acknowledged me by nodding. 

The Galliard twins are incredibly opposite from each other. Marcel is good charismatic person with a potential to be a leader, while Porco is an arrogant hothead thinking he's the best out of all of us. 

"Hi Annie how are you?" Berthold stood up and waved at me. I nodded up at him since he's like 6'3 tall. 

Berthold is nice kind soul with everyone, but he's no amateur in fighting. We call him the "Colossal Titan" because of his obvious height. 

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