2. First Day

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Armin's POV

I was working in my office, handling a lot of paperwork. Although I wasn't that focused on the paperwork, that little moody blue eyed blonde girl has been on my mind ever since the interview which was a few days ago.

I honestly believe that she was the best candidate, but I couldn't help but believe that there was some other reason.

She did seem suspicious, I mean I caught her lie about her purpose of taking the job. I didn't want to make her uncomfortable so I let that slide... for now.

I smiled while thinking of our interaction in the interview, how she can go from scary to nice innocent girl in a matter of seconds.

Especially her smile, my God that's a beautiful smile. Her icy blue eyes are more illuminating than I thought. I really liked her long blonde hair with that cool haircut. She rides a motorcycle which I find pretty badass.

But the highlight of that day was definitely the hug at the end. I don't know why that hug felt so... passionate? I've given many hugs before, but... ugh I don't know.

I smiled as I thought of how she hugged back, judging of how she froze in the hug for a couple of seconds I could tell she wasn't the touchy type.

Why am I thinking about her so much? I've literally only met her once. I guess it is normal to think about someone new you just met, who's gonna be working close to you as your bodyguard.

That's normal... right?


I was a bit startled at my phone ringing I checked who was calling me and it was the other blonde in my life, Historia. I sighed deeply thinking about her now, I felt depressed already.

But when I think of the other blonde, I get excited... happy.


I ignored Historia call as she was calling me continuously these past few days. Texting me messages that she wants to talk to me because I was ignoring her. Well I decided to give her the same treatment that she's been giving to me.

The thing is that in the same day of Annie's interview, that night Historia tried to have sex with me after I haven't seen her the whole day and she didn't even explain why. So she got on top of me, as if sex would be enough. I rejected it and she became a bit clingy now.


The door to my office knocked as I was relieved because I needed some distraction.

"Come in!" I called out as the person came inside. "Morning Moblit!" I greeted Hange's loyal assistant.

"Morning Armin, this is a case that Hange wishes for you to investigate" He informed as he lent me the files and I took it.

"Thank you Moblit, anything else?" I asked as I smiled at him.

"Actually yes. You're new bodyguard is coming right now" he said as my eyes widened and my heart started to beat rapidly. Why am I so nervous now?

"Thanks for the heads up" I said as Moblit said goodbye and walked out of my office.

Immediately when Moblit left, the expected blonde came inside.

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