5. Real Mission

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Annie's POV

Few months ago

I was training my kicks in the Marley HQ training grounds as a Marleyan agent interrupted me.

"Agent Leonhart, Commander Magath is calling you in the Warriors meeting" The Marleyan agent informed as I nodded and dismissed him.

What does Magath want now?

I dressed up in my usual Warrior uniform and made my way to the meeting as several other agents greeted me.

I heard a few people murmuring about me as I walked beside them.

"That's the famous assassin, the Female Titan right?"

That's me

"I heard she's killed over hundreds of Scouts Agents"

Pretty exaggerated but I have killed many

"I heard that she's feels no emotion at all?"

Well I can feel angry, how about that?

"She's never failed a single mission"

That's correct

Finally arrived at the Warrior's meeting and sat on the big round table with my comrades.

Reiner Braun, the Armored Titan

Berthold Hoover, the Colossal Titan

Pieck Finger, the Cart Titan

Porco and Marcel Galliard, the Jaw Titans

Zeke Jaeger, the Beast Titan

And me Annie Leonhart

The Female Titan

We were all sat on the round table as Commnder Magath stood with his hands behind his back, looking out the window overlooking Shiganshina. He turned around and stood beside Zeke.

"Warriors welcome, I have called you all because I'm going to announce a special mission for one of you." Commander Magath stated as he gazed at every one of us. His eyes then froze on only me. The rest looked at me as Magath made me the center of attention.

"Agent Leonhart, you've been tasked with a new mission" He said as he moved towards the big tv screen. He used a remote to turn it on and there showed a blonde boy with blue eyes.

"This... is Armin Arlert" Commander Magath informed as we all nodded.

"He's kinda cute" Pieck teased as Magath ignored her and Porco slapped her shoulder.

"He's an Agent for the Scouts and a special advisor for the Commander of the Scouts himself. Because of this Mr. Arlert, our Agency has been taking huge losses."

"We've received intel that Mr. Arlert will receive extremely important intel that the Commader will hand to him in the next upcoming months. This intel has the weaknesses of their Agency and what they have on us. We need that" He said in a bit of a threatening way.

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