15. Interrogation

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Annie's POV

Pieck was in the interrogation room being questioned by Captain Levi himself. I've always held up my guard whenever he was around ever since he killed Zeke some time ago.

I heard the details of his death were extremely gruesome. Reason why because apparently Zeke was the one who caused Levi's Squad to their deaths by gunning them all down. It scares me that now Armin and his friends are part of Levi's Squad.

I heard in the report that Zeke died with a bunch of his limbs chopped off, it said that he died very slowly. Then he died by Levi finally decapitating him.

Honestly, I was never that fond of Zeke before but his death just gave me a new level of nervousness towards Levi.

Me and Armin were standing before the two way mirror seeing Pieck and Levi on the table. Pieck wasn't talking at all, she was just looking down as Levi pressured her with questions.

I'm not surprised since us Warriors are trained to withstand these types of things. But... Pieck is different, she's never killed anyone. She just helps the others do the work. Although that doesn't justify your actions, still...

Out of everyone in the warriors I want Pieck the most to get out and be free. Although she may seem like a slut, since she literally was  almost about to blow my boyfriend. She's actually a very nice person once you get to know her.

So all in all... I feel bad for her

"She's never killed anyone you know?" Armin interrupted my thoughts as I gazed at him and nodded.

"You think she doesn't deserve this?" Armin asked as I sighed deeply and looked at the depressed Pieck sitting down, twiddling her fingers.

"The worst thing she's done is probably aiding a murderer, she seemed kinda nice when I met her" Armin analyzed as I looked at him with surprised eyes.

I know Pieck more than him and he already came to the same conclusion as me about her!

"I wonder if the Warriors are working against their own will" Armin thought.

"I don't think so. You wouldn't want your elite group of assassins to be slaves, she probably just doesn't enjoy it" I told him the truth.

Armin looked down at me as he smiled at my deduction.

"You're right" He chuckled as we both gazed back at the interrogation.

"So you won't talk to me huh?" Levi asked as he awaited for an answer from Pieck, but she said nothing.

Surprisingly, Levi calmed down and put on pitiful eyes.

"Hey, we can make a deal so this can benefit the both of us... what do you say?" Levi suggested as Pieck looked up at him for moment but pulled back down.

"What do you want Pieck?" He asked with a gentle voice as Pieck's eyes widened as she looked up at him. She took a deep breath as she was about to say something.

"I want... to speak with Armin Arlert" She asked confidently as Levi laid back on the chair and sighed.

My eyes widened at her request as Armin didn't seem surprised but just crossed his arms.

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