Chapter 20

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He was watching the golden suit lead four kids backstage. He knew it was Mike and he grinned knowingly. Mike was showing promise and he learned quickly. He strode across the restaurant with ease, not worried about people spotting him. He was dead. He scowled at the thought and continued to the door. He heard a sharp intake of breath from the kids and smirked. Mike had revealed himself. He slipped in just as Mike was prepared to slam the door. Mike saw him and nodded, grinning wickedly. Vincent circled the room, the kids were screaming and fighting for their lives. The most lively of the four, a red- headed boy was throwing himself at the door in a desperate attempt to escape. Vincent was not apparent to the children and he watched intently as Mike managed to wrestle one child to the floor and stab him.
"Don't leave any of them. Slaughter them, Mike. Let the walls run red with their blood." Vincent hollered to him over the sound of their screams of terror.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw movement. Turning, he saw the Marionette staring at the children in horror. Vincent smugly crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. Revenge felt good.

Mike had left before the police had come speeding into the parking lot. A screaming mother had discovered blood on the walls. Vincent felt no remorse for anyone. He didn't feel the same anymore. He was in control now. The restaurant was his and whatever he wished was to happen.
"It's okay." He heard the Marionette murmur glumly. He hid behind one of the many tables that were strewn across the room. He saw the puppet cradling the small child who was shaking violently. Intrigued, Vincent crept forward, but didn't dare reveal himself. He knew who the puppet was. He knew what he'd done.
"Where's my mom?" The red-headed child asked, whimpering.
"She'll be back soon." The Marionette frowned, knowing that he was lying.
Vincent felt something jab at his heart. The Marionette.. Teddy.. Was caring just as Nicole had been. He looked away and thought back to the day years before when he saw the poisoned child dead in his arms. He clenched his jaw and stood up, carefully picking his way through the empty restaurant.
Freezing, he turned, recognizing the soft voice. Behind him, Scott stood, watching him with pale blue eyes. Standing beside him was Fritz. His hazel eyes gleamed.
"Scott? Fritz?" Vincent felt himself melt inside as he made a move towards them, but they backed away.
"What?" Vincent paused, confused.
"We saw what you did." Fritz looked scared as he glared at Vincent with cold eyes full of blame.
"I didn't.. It was Mi-" Vincent tried to explain.
"I didn't think you were a bad person." Scott cried. "I was wrong."
The words stung and Vincent backed away. "I'm sorry.." He tried to make up for everything he'd done. Sorry wasn't good enough anymore.
"It was a mistake to save you in that alleyway." Fritz snarled, glancing back at the red-headed boy who was now asleep in the Marionette's arms.
"Fritz.." Vincent gasped as if he'd been slapped. The two of them turned from him, obviously ready to leave. He wanted to say something.. Anything to make them stay.
He didn't and they left him there. He ran his fingers through his dark hair in frustration. He was alone now and he'd brought this pain in himself. He rested his head against the wall, his thoughts a jumbled mess. He couldn't take back what had been done, although he now wished he could.

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