Chapter 1

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He blinked his eyes open slowly. He was laying in the grass outside. He rolled onto his back, the grass tickling his arms. He lifted one arm, shielding his blue eyes from the bright sun's rays. He was alone in his adoptive family's backyard. It was peaceful, staring up at the clouds that drifted past slowly. His black hair had been cut into a hair flip which he quite liked, despite teasing by the kids at school. He was only six years of age. 2 years since he's been taken from his real family. 1 year since he was adopted from his foster parents who often forgot to feed him. Sighing, he closed his eyes again, blocking out these thoughts. It was blissful, the sun warmed his pale skin and he felt himself slipping into his dream world that was often haunted by nightmares...

He jerked awake. He hadn't slept for long. It appeared one of his nightmares had awoken him. He was drenched in sweat and ran his hand across his tiny forehead to wipe off the sweat droplets.
"Are you okay?"
He jumped at the unfamiliar voice and scrambled to his knees. I small girl around his age was gazing at him worriedly.
He nodded shyly and relaxed, but also kept a safe distance from her.
"Oh... You were jerking around... Screaming.. Looks like you were having a stroke." The girl smiled. Her tooth gap looked cute and Vincent decided he liked her, although he didn't answer.
"You're Vincent, right? My mom told me about you." She squeaked happily. "She's friends with your mom and dad."
Not really my parents... He let it slide, he only smiled at her shyly and sat on the ground again. She also sat, directly across from him. She had Hazel eyes that looked golden in the sunlight and unruly brown hair that framed her tiny face just right. He sudden felt very self conscious and blushed.
"I'm Nicole, I'm your neighbor." She continued, a bit to friendly for Vincent's taste. Maybe he just wasn't used to kindness...
He still didn't answer. He never answers to anybody. He thought everything he said was wrong. Apparently, she understood because she stood up and offered him her hand.
Cautiously, he took it and she helped pull him up. He couldn't help but stare at her. She was cute, but he couldn't say anything. He never could. Stupid Vincent.
His "mother's" voice saved him.
"Vincent!" She came running out on the deck worriedly, she froze when she saw them. "Oh.. Hello." She grinned warmly.
"Hello Mrs. Conelly!" Nicole waved with her free hand, the other was still holding Vincent's.
She looked them over happily, obviously thrilled he was interacting with someone. "Are you Mary and Dan's little girl?"
"Yup!" Nicole smiled happily.
"If it'd be alright with your folks, would you like to come in for a snack?" She asked invitingly.
Vincent willed her to say no. As much as he didn't mind her company, he couldn't spend that much time with her. He hated interaction.
"That'd be awesome!" Nicole gently tugged his hand and dragged Vincent along to his porch.

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