Chapter 7

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He inhaled deeply, the smoke from his cigarette billowed into the soft night air. They were nearing fall and the tree's leaves were a collage of beautiful colors. It was chilly, but he didn't mind. His heart was already freezing.
"That'll kill you."
He jumped, shocked and saw Nicole scramble up the rock to sit beside him.
"It wouldn't be the worst thing to happen." He growled softly.
"Hush." Nicole smiled, but it vanished when he inhaled the smoke again.
"Why are you out here?" He changed the subject. He looked across the stream that looked cool and gentle. He knew of its power though. Looks were deceiving...
"Your mom was looking for you. I offered to look out here. She'd kill you if she saw you smoking." She explained, trying to lighten the mood.
"That's why I'm out here." He snorted, amusement in his tone. His mother.. Adoptive mother, was constantly worried about him since Fritz had died. That had been four years ago. He was sixteen now, he could take care of himself. He was faster, smarter and stronger. He felt proud and he hoped Fritz would have felt the same.
"Please put it out." She coughed, plugging her nose.
Hesitantly, he flicked it away from him. What a waste. He didn't mind though.
"Are you coming back?" She asked, gently.
"When I'm ready." He stated flatly. What was her deal? No one should be worried about him.
She opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but closed it again. He was itching to ask her what she wanted to say but he shrugged it off.

He was asleep. Dreaming. He thrashed around in his bed, sweat covering every inch of his body. He saw his father standing over his mother. Her body was still. She was dead. He swallowed a cry of fear and forced himself to watch. It was a replay of that horrible night when he watched his mother for. He could have saved her. Just like he could have saved Fritz. He was weak. He was helpless. They morphed into familiar figures and he felt his heart leap into his throat. It wasn't his father anymore... It was him. Covered in blood, eyes crazed and dark. He didn't look alive. He looked like a maniac. He loomed over the dead body, looking satisfied with himself. When he looked closer, he almost screamed in shock and despair. The body no longer belonged to his mother.
It was Nicole.

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