Chapter 8

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Nicole was racing to catch up with him. Swallowing his fear, he kept walking at a brisk pace before she finally reached him.
"Vincent, I was calling for you." She growled angrily.
"I heard." He stated flatly.
She looked hurt and a bit quizzical. "Why have you been avoiding me?" She asked.
He bit his lip and looked over her shoulder. He didn't want to answer this. What would she think of him? She'd turn and run as fast as se could. But isn't that what he wanted?
"Tell me." She whispered gently but with a force that Vincent had never heard from her before.
"Nicole.." He looked back at her and felt pain sear through his chest. This was his friend. He couldn't subject her to himself any longer. "You have to stay away from me."
"What?" She asked, dumbfounded. Disbelief clouded her bright eyes and Vincent looked away.
"Don't come near me anymore. I'm.. I'm not.." He searched for words.
"What do you mean?" Nicole whispered, now tears tugged at her eyes.
"If there ever comes a time where I can't control myself.. I don't want to hurt you, Nicole. I can't trust myself!" He saw the hurt in her eyes but he knew this was what would protect her. "My thoughts.. They're dark. I want to hurt people, Nicole. I don't want one of those people to be you."
Nicole stood, frozen in shock, taking in all that he had told her and she swayed gently.
"Nicole?" He rushed forward to grab her shoulder and steady her but she pulled her arm away, shaking her head.
"This is what's best, Nicole." He murmured sadly.
"If that's what you want." She responded briskly, seeming to brush it off although she still looked hurt.
It's not want I want. No. Vincent's thoughts cried, but he forced himself not to say it. He had to protect her. That's what he'd vowed to do. He gritted his teeth, forcing himself to turn around and walk away. He briefly considered running after her, but he knew it wouldn't do any good.

He saw her in the hallway at school, struggling to retrieve books from her locker.
"Fuck." He heard her hiss under her breathe which was strange because she hardly ever swore.
"Need help?" Another guy walked up to her and Vincent narrowed his eyes at him.
"Here," he reached up and grabbed the book off the top shelf of the locker, handing it to her.
Smiling with gratitude, she took it from him. "Thank you." She offered him a warm smile. Her sweet smile. Vincent balled up his fists.
"I'm Jeremy Fitzgerald. I think we have English together." He smiled broadly and Vincent felt like gagging. Was Nicole really buying this?
"I'm Nicole." She grinned at him. "I think we do have class together."
"Sweet. Want to walk with me?" He asked warmly brushing up against her.
Vincent tensed up and felt an urge to fling himself at him and rip his face off but he forced himself to stay back. She looked.. Happy. He HAD let her go? Hadn't he? It didn't mean he didn't love her... He shoved his locker close with more force than was needed, startling the group of girls who were standing close by. He scowled at them, daring them to say something, but they all looked down. Was everyone scared of him now? He looked at Nicole who was walking beside Jeremy grinning and he felt jealousy grow in the pit of his heart. This was what real pain felt like.

A/N: hey! Sorry it took so long! Writers block sucks but I finally did it XD also, do you guys like this story, it's not getting much votes or anything

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