Chapter 9

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He watched her walk around with Jeremy everyday now and despair and jealousy gnawed at his heart. Oh please, Vincent, do you even have one? His mind snorted disapprovingly. He raced out of the school building and stood in the cold air. It was softly drizzling, and the rain stung his face. He didn't mind, he just continued walking, his head down.
"Vincent." Someone called anxiously. He turned and saw Jeremy rushing towards him. Of course. What did this fool want?
"Yea?" He asked, not slowing down.
"Hold on." Jeremy grabbed his shoulder and spun him around to face him. Vincent tensed up and glowered at him. Why was he touching him?
Jeremy just stood, looking him over and snorted. "I can see why Nicole isn't hanging out with you anymore. She's better off."
Vincent's mouth fell open and rage bubbled in his stomach. "What did you just say?"
"I mean, after all, you were the reason Fritz died." Jeremy's eyes danced with humor. He thought this was funny. Vincent could tell he was testing how long it took for Vincent to snap.
"My brother died saving me and Nicole." Vincent snarled fiercely, the accusations still haunting his thoughts.
"You're just weak. You can't hide behind Fritz anymore. Your brother was a coward." Jeremy drawled, smirking darkly.
His thoughts blanked out. He sprang at Jeremy, surprising dragging him to the wet grass. His fury had overcome his judgement and he angrily showered Jeremy with punches. His rage was taking over his entire body and he was a slave to his own dark thoughts. He could make everyone pay. His father. The bastard who killed Fritz. Jeremy's eyes were wide with fear as he struggled beneath Vincent who held him to the ground by his neck. His other hand closed around Jeremy's neck and he squeezed with all his strength. Jeremy clawed at his hands, clearly gasping for air.
"Jeremy! Vincent!" He vaguely heard Nicole's screams of terror. He looked up and saw her rushing towards them. She roughly shoved Vincent away from Jeremy, her eyes wild.
Jeremy scrambled to his feet, breathing heavily and eyeing Vincent with caution. Vincent searched Nicole's eyes. They looked hateful, accusatory. They were looking at him.
"Nicole.. Nicole I.."
"You almost killed him, Vincent!" She cried out, disbelief in her gaze. He could almost hear the venom in her words. It stung.
"You're lucky she got here when she did." Vincent snarled at Jeremy who looked like he was about to hurl.

Vincent saw Nicole duck into the entrance of the woods behind her house from his bedroom window. She was going alone. She was probably still mad at him. Mad, Vincent? No. She hates your guts. His mind taunted. He sprang up from his bed and snuck downstairs. His adoptive mother was sprawled out on the couch, a glass of wine beside her on the coffee table. The sight made him flinch. Every since Fritz had died she had been drinking heavily and she was no longer cheerful. Fritz was her real son, not adopted like Vincent. She had been married before, but her husband, Fritz's dad had died in a car crash when Fritz was only four. He sadly gazed at her. Her eyes used to be so bright and full of life. They were now glazed over and emptiness filled them. Deep down, he knew she resented him. He silently slipped out the back door without her noticing and rushed to the edge of the woods. Would she want to see him? He paused, contemplating if he should go or not. He bit his lip and peered into the branches. There was no movement. She shouldn't be out here by herself. He slunk into the shadows of the trees and maneuvered his way down the normal path. He knew it like the back of his hand now. He sighed, fondly remembering when they romped through as kids. He saw her sitting on the rock, looking down at her worn sneakers.
"Nicole?" He asked, softly.
Startled, she got up, wiping off her pant legs. Her eyes widened in fear and she backed away, almost falling off.
"S-stay away." She cried.
"Nicole, I'm not going to hurt you.." He was desperate now. Don't run. He begged her silently.
But she looked at him coldly, as if she hardly knew him. Her eyes were wide and fearful. "I thought I knew you but you changed." Her voice shook and he realized how much this was hurting her.
He suddenly felt guilty for his actions, even if the bastard had insulted Fritz.
"It's like I don't even know you anymore! You-you're some type of monster now who just wants to hurt people." She snarled coldly.
He felt as if she'd struck him. Her words pierced his heart and he felt sorrow for the first time. Why was she saying this? Was it the truth?
"Nicole.. Please.." He stepped forward, reaching out to touch her, but she lept aside.
"Don't even fucking think about it. Don't come near me anymore. I don't want to ever see you again." Nicole screeched.
Vincent worried that the neighbors would be awoken by their bickering but nobody came out of their homes.
"Goodbye." Nicole pushed past him and disappeared up the slope. Crashing through the thick underbrush that scattered the forest floor.
Vincent ran his fingers through his hair and growled in frustration. Everything was going wrong. He dug his fingernails into his scalp and fell to his knees, willing the cold to seep into his heart so he didn't have to feel anything anymore.

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