Chapter 4

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"Wanna come over?" Nicole asked, walking backwards towards her house after they'd gotten off the bus.
Vincent was distracted, he just kept walking, his dark eyes fixed on the ground.
"Hellooooo??? Anybody home?" She giggled, waving a hand in front of his face to get his attention.
He jumped slightly and frowned. "Not today, Nicole."
She looked crestfallen and guilt pricked at Vincent's heart. "I'm sorry.. I-I..."
She nodded and smiled weakly, understanding. "Don't worry about it and don't let Joe get to you. He's an asshole." She winked and Vincent smiled.
"Thanks, Nicole." He murmured, quickening his stride to walk beside her.
"It's no problem at all. Listen, you're a really nice guy." Her words washed over him and it seemed to warm his heart. He was so lucky to have a friend like her. "Race you to the stream?" She grinned excitedly.
He nudged her gently and took off, leaving her staring after him. "Guess who's the slowpoke now?" He hollered.
Even though he was a few yards away, he could see her visibly relax and grin before jogging to meet him at the end of the street.

"How's your girlfriend, Vinny?" His older brother smirked.
"Oh, shut up, Fritz." Vincent growled darkly, grabbing a banana from the top of the counter.
"Don't call me that, short stack." His brother smiled and ruffled his hair. "You know I'm only yanking your chain."
Vincent knew that, but his brother still got on his nerves most of the time. "NICOLE." He put emphasis on her name so Fritz no longer referred to her as his girlfriend. "Is fine. We just went for a hike."
"Did my lil bro get lucky in the..."
"That's enough!" His adoptive mother cried out, slapping Fritz gently on the shoulder.
"What?" He asked, innocently, but he snuck a glance at Vincent and winked.
Rolling his eyes Vincent took his snack and trekked up the stairs to his bedroom. He closed the door and immediately felt safe inside the confined walls. He plopped down on his bed and turned on his CD player which Nicole had given it to him as a birthday gift last year which was way to generous of her.
He scanned his playlist and came across a Beatles song that he quite liked and rested his head against the headboard of his bed. What had come over him on the bus that afternoon? Why did he feel so comforted by the sight of blood? Was he going insane? No. Of course not. He was merely upset about being bullied by Joe and his stupid companions. He closed his eyes and let his music lull him to sleep.

The Man Behind the Slaughter (FNAF)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें