Chapter 10

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Vincent stalked down the street, carefully avoiding other pedestrians and keeping to himself. Perhaps he would run into the bastard who'd killed his brother... No. He shook that thought away and continued walking. The cold wind stung his face and he was chilled to the bone. He pushed against the cold, carefully picking his way around patches of ice.
"Vincent, is it?"
He jumped when he heard someone call his name. He craned his neck to see the person that was now walking beside him. It was a girl. She had short, blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. A scar lay across her bottom lip and she wore too much makeup to cover her face. He wondered briefly how she knew his name.
"Who the hell are you?" He sneered, arrogant and hostile as ever.
She suddenly reached up, grabbed him by he collar of his shirt and pulled him down to eye level.
"Listen, tough guy. Watch what you say to me or I'll make sure you regret being born." She snarled darkly.
"I doubt I could regret that anymore than I do now." He roughly pushed her away and straightened up.
Seemingly impressed, she looked him over and raised a dark eyebrow, indicating she obviously bleached her hair. "I was a friend of your brothers." She held out a hand with carefully manicured fingers. Blood red nails. Shivers ran down his spin but he was also intrigued by this girl. "I'm Alyssa."
"What do you want, Alyssa." Vincent muttered, annoyed.
"I saw you pummeling that loser Jeremy yesterday. Your fighting skills are rather.. Impressive." She lowered her voice, pursing her lips.
Vincent only shrugged, guarding himself. For some reason, he felt that she knew what he was thinking and that made him feel vulnerable.
"Then that little bitch, Nicole, interfered." Alyssa snarled.
Vincent tensed up, balling up his fists. Who did she think she was? "Nicole isn't a bitch." He growled stiffly.
"Oh no, darling, of course not." She murmured, leaning close to him. What was she trying to do? Vincent looked down at her, confused and she pulled away again, smirking. She was like a cat playing with her prey.
"I can help you." She looked over her nails and looked up at him.
He scoffed in disbelief. "Yeah, right. Leave me alone."
"I know who killed your brother, and I can help you find them." She added, persuasively, licking her lips.
Freezing in his tracks, he spun to face her. "Where? Who?" He growled urgently.
She just stood, staring at him, eyes full of dark humor.
"Don't play games." He warned, trying to maintain his temper. "I'll beat it out of you if I have too."
"A helpless girl?" She squeaked mockingly before smirking again.
"I have a feeling you're not so helpless as you're leading me to believe." He shot back.
"I'll show you where he is." She winked and pulled his shirt collar again to whisper in his ear. "But you have to kill him."

"Down here is where he hangs around. Selling drugs, doing drugs." Alyssa explained, pressing against Vincent. He tensed up, and pushed her forward. He wanted her as far away from him as possible.
"How would you know?" He changed the subject, running his hand down the grimy stone wall of the building.
"I know people, Vincent." She rolled her eyes as if the answer was obvious.
He narrowed his eyes at her and opened his mouth to say something but he was interrupted by footsteps.
"What the hell are you two doing here." A man challenged dangerously. Vincent looked over his shoulder and saw the man who'd killed Fritz moving towards them. The memory was etched in his mind. The memory of Fritz collapsing and this fucker glaring down at him. Vincent's eyes gleamed with anticipation. He desperately wanted to kill the bastard.
Alyssa looked entertained. He suddenly felt her presence close beside him. "Go for his throat." she slid a small pocket knife into his hand and closed his fingers over it. She then turned and leaned against the wall with one last smug look.
"I asked what you're doing here." The man snarled threateningly.
Without warning, Vincent hurled himself at the man with a roar of fury. Surprised, he stumbled back. He could tell the man didn't know who he was or why he was attacking him, but he'd better snap out of it and fight back. Surely, he did, punching Vincent square in the jaw and shoving him to the ground roughly. Suddenly, Vincent was afraid for his life as the man loomed over him. He looked to Alyssa, pleading for help but she just shook her head. Eyes widening in fear, he realized she was evaluating him and he would receive no help from her. If he died, he died. Swallowing the last of the fear that was rising in his chest, he braces himself. The man came down and as soon as he did, Vincent drew the knife's blade along his neck. The blood started to well at the wound instantly and the man looked utterly shocked before he toppled over. Disgusted, Vincent got to his feet and kicked the limp body. A pool of blood was already forming around still form.
"Very nice." Alyssa sounded impressed as she stepped out of the shadows. He had almost forgotten she was there. He wanted to kill the bitch for leaving him to fend for himself, but for some reason, he wasn't angry. He was energized. He felt alive. He took a deep breath and let the soft fog drift into the cool evening air.
"Tonight, you made your brother proud. You avenged him." Alyssa grinned darkly.. Hungrily. "Come, I have friends I want you to meet and we don't want to be here when someone finds his sorry ass."
Vincent followed her, proud that he had killed the man who had brought so much pain to himself and his mother. He glanced back at the dead body and felt darkness grab hold of his heart. Just one killing wasn't enough.

A/N: just letting you all know that I'm NOT writing on Monday because I'm getting a tooth/teeth pulled ;-; so yea, I'm super nervous .-. Anyways, hope you're all enjoying Vincent's story so far! Thanks for all the positive feedback!<3

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