Chapter 2

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"Hurry up, slowpoke!" Nicole called from the top of the slope.
Vincent took a deep breath before scrambling up to meet her there. He almost slid when a shower of twigs and leaves fell out from under him. He yelled in terror when her hand shot put to pull him up.
"Don't worry." She breathed, giggling. "I won't let you fall, Vincent."
Reassured, he scrambled up the slope the rest of the way, joining her at the top.
"See? Easy, right?" She beamed.
Vincent snorted but couldn't help but feel warmth spread in his chest. Easy for her to say. Her legs were long and agile, while Vincent's were skinny and well... Not agile...
Her voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "Just a little ways ahead."
He gazed at her in wonder. She was his friend. A real friend. He couldn't believe it. He had been around her for quite some time since they met in his backyard. He had grown used to having the spunky girl around and he actually quite liked it. He also found himself enjoying their treks out into the woods behind her backyard. He followed her down a beaten down path (more or less made by her) and was greeted by scratches from thorn bushes. He didn't mind though, he was excited.
"Here it is!" She announced proudly, opening up some underbrush.
He ducked under, and peering through with caution, he sucked in a breath.
The steam that lay in front of him was beautiful. It had tiny, soft waves that gurgled and lapped against a rock that was bigger than the two of them combined.
He walked through and made room for Nicole to walk out. She lead the way over to the rock, Vincent almost tripping on a tree root.
"Told you it was awesome. My dad showed it to me." She grinned, missing a tooth on her bottom row of teeth.
He couldn't help but grin back and closed his eyes, breathing in the fresh air. The top of the rock had been warned by the summer sun, for the first time, he felt at peace.
They both laid down on the rock and gazed up at the canopy of trees. Vincent was in a daze, almost drifting off to sleep.
"Hey, Vincent?" Nicole turned to face him, propping herself up on her elbows.
He opened one eye and looked at her as if to say go on.
"We're going to be best friends forever, right?" She sighed happily.
He nodded vigorously and smiled to himself. "Thanks, Nicole."
Nicole scrambled to her hands and knees, eyes wide. "Vincent! You said something to me!" She exclaimed happily.
Surprising himself, Vincent jumped. He also felt shocked and excited that he'd talked. He hadn't since he moved in with this adoptive parents.
"Come on! I'll race ya back to your house!" She jumped to her feet, her sneakers squeaking on the rock. Vincent followed her, not trying to beat her, just enjoying the company of his friend.

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