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Stella's POV:
Ugh I had enough off her and now she's gonna hear everything I ever wanted to say to her and I don't give a shit anymore.
"You don't have any right being here let alone insulting me in my boyfriends home. I've been living here for a little more than a week and it feels more like home than your house ever did." I took in a breath and Harry put his hand on my back for reassurance. She doesn't know what to say but she's gonna listen now.
"The person you think I am is long gone, dead. She's been dead since I was sixteen. You never paid that much attention to notice the change and honesty I don't think you wanted to. You had the picture of your perfect daughter in your head and I hope it's shattered now. I couldn't wait to leave Baltimore and you. I hated your way of living so much. It's stressful, boring and fucking frustrating. I never knew why you were always stuck up but I guess.." My mothers hand came to contact with my cheek and I felt a sting. The tears from my eyes were already dried up so I have nothing left but I'm still not done.
"I'm your mother and you have to respect me." She yelled in my face but I still held my ground. I looked at Harry and he looks like if he could he would kill her without a second thought.
"Really mom, you hitting me won't change anything. I don't respect you but you sure as hell don't respect me. You're in your own perfect bubble of flowers rainbows and dinner party's with people like yourself." I closed my eyes waiting for another slap but this time I didn't feel anything. I opened my eyes and Harry was holding her hand, holding eye contact.
"Don't you fucking dare!!" He yelled in her face and my father stepped in, pushing Harry and pulling my mom back.
"Don't you ever fucking touch her, do you hear me?"
"You are both idiots and you'll never be anything but that." My mother yelled in his face and I hope that non of Harry's neighbors call the police.
"Get out of my fucking apartment!" The vain on Harry's neck has never been so visible. He's breathing faster, trying to calm down but there is no use.
"Excuse me?" My mother looked at him then to me but I just stood there with my arms crossed.
"Stella you were my only daughter and I'm so disappointed in you but you have a choice. Come with us and we'll forget this or you can stay here with him and continue being his little whore. He'll leave you when he finds someone prettier and you'll be all alone without any pride or dignity left." I can't listen to her anymore and I'm done with this right now.
"Did that happen to you?" We all looked at Harry, my mothers face turning from red to ghost white.
"One of your boyfriends got tired of you and left you all alone?" This isn't something we should be discussing right now but I don't think I have any more energy to stop Harry from doing this.
" You crossed the line, son." my dad warned but Harry continued, not phased by my dads tone.
"I wouldn't do that and I don't give a flying fuck what you think. Now I'm telling you again to leave so I me and El can continue with what we started before you came here and that was fuck." My mom and dads mouth was on the floor and eyes wide while Harry was enjoying this. He turned to my mom and smiled wickedly " If you would stop being jealous of your daughter for having sex long enough to pull that stick out of your ass and maybe put something else back there...I can guarantee you would be happier." The room is silent now and I can't believe what just happened here and neither can my parents. I knew Harry had an attitude but is a whole new level. I know I shouldn't but I couldn't be prouder of him.
"You can leave now, don't let the door hit you on your way out." Harry just waved them off, putting his hand around my waist. My parents just looked at me one more time and slammed the door behind them. I finally let out s breath of relief and wrapped my arms around Harry.
"I'm so sorry about that." He mumbled into my hair, giving me a tighter hug.
"Are you ok?" I nodded and he started kissing me all over my face, trying to make me smile and he succeeded.
"That's the Stella I love so much."
"I love you to Harry." I guess I should have known this is how it would end, Harry being the only person I have accept Chris. My parents won't forget this and I don't even want to talk to them for a while.
"Please don't be sad."
"I'm not, I just need a little time alone, Ok?" He nodded and I gave him a small kiss, going into his..our room just to think about this whole fucked up situation.
Love you xxx

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