26. An Uninvited Cupid

Start from the beginning

"Eish!"  smacking his arm was only I could do.

"I think he's not that bad." His blue eyes finally met mine, then a mischievous smile appeared, "He looks like a heartbreaker, but maybe he's not."

"How can you be so sure?"  I mean.. he didn't even know Dean that well.

"Cuz I saw him looking at you like you're all he has. At 11 o'clock direction, he's been watching us."

I can't help but looking at the direction where Harvey told me, Dean really here. Standing out because of his height, he saw me and smiled.

"He really follows you around, ahahah." Harvey endless teasing made me blush, somehow.

"Mitchell is his cousin, he's here to support him." That was an excuse to stop my cheeks going even more red. It's probably his reason to appear without prior notification.

"I don't think that's his reason to be here~" Harvey replied in sing a song tone.

He casually circled his long arm on my shoulder and lowered his lips to my ear, whispering, "Let see of he's really here for checking up his cousin."

I glanced at Dean and he looks not happy, piercing his gaze at Harvey who purposely doing this stupid trick. Just when I wanted to free myself from Harvey's more like head lock than embrace, jury called our team to be the first team who get in big five.

Both Harvey and I screamed in excitement and hug each other, jumping crazily in happiness.

"We did it! We did!" He yelled, giving thumb up to our members on stage.

"Yeahhh!!!" I nodded in agreement.

I wasn't sure how long we both jumping on our own happiness until I feel dizzy and Harvey letting me off from his embrace, causing me lost my balance.


My head bumped into something hard and warm yet sturdy hands held my arms.

"Be careful." Familiar voice that I couldn't avoid anymore even if I wanted to.

Dean was already behind me, keeping me steady from fall back. I think I will never be able to get rid this guy from my world, he keeps coming back. I quickly stand up straight and take step away from Dean.

Harvey who noticed my little encounter with Dean trying to hold back his playful smile, "Hey, mate."

Dean patted Harvey's shoulder as respond, "Congrats for getting into top five."

"Thanks, you're here to see AJ?" Harvey asked Dean, but he glanced at me meaningfully.

"Not really, I'm here to see Charlie." Dean's corner lips curled up into smile, he looks so different today. He's too tempting to not look at today and I don't know why. As far as I know, he loves dark color and all his clothes so far were either black or dark blue. But today he shows up with with graphic of Seoul map on his with tucked in tee, black ripped jean on the knee, black oldskool vans same as mine and he wears backward beige snapback, he's too handsome and I have to admit that fact.

"Here you go, your Charlie. I will make up a story for the others if you guys want to leave the venue right now?" I looked at Harvey, loss at word when he offered Dean that he will make an excuse for us. How could Harvey's jaw easily move to betray me like that?!

Dean glanced at me and awkwardly scratched the back of his head, "No- I mean yes, if only Charlie wants to go right now. Or I can wait until this ended?"

Me? Wants to go? Where? Why?
Did I promise something to him last night?
The only thing I could remember was I cried a lot last night.

"Me?" I looked at them, bewildered. I didn't have any schedule except attending Doodle competition as supporter.

"I told you last night that I will see you today.." Dean reminded me.

Did he?

Then I remember something, "Oh, the coat?" I blinked, feeling unbelievable. Did he just come here to get back his coat that I borrowed last night??

"Oh, the coat!" Harvey nodded, "Nunna, give back his coat. You keep it at the hotel, don't you?"

"Y-yeah, but.." I stuttered, still processing to figure out what's Dean motive today and why Harvey betrays me without warning.

"That's okay, that's okay." Harvey put his hand on my shoulder and literally shoved me gently to Dean, "Can you drive her to get your coat back?"

It's Dean turn to look confused, probably feeling strange why no one wants to separate him with me like it used to be.

"Sure." he nodded in agreement.

Seconds after, he held me by my wrist then bid goodbye at Harvey, leading both of us out from venue. At this moment, I will never forget Harvey's wink and wishing that he will get dust splatter in his eyes.

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