85- College roommates.

Start from the beginning

' She must be studying for space' He came to a conclusion from looking.

He looked around the room but he didn't see much stuff that was hers.

' I guess she hasn't finished unpacking. Well she and everyone else only just arrived today' He thought looking at the mostly bare room.

He heard the sound of footsteps coming. He looked to see she came back.

" I'm all done" She stretched out her arms giving out a short yawn. She walked over to her bed and lied down.

" Thanks for letting me stay here" Izuku thanked her as he lied down as well.

" No problem. Oh by the way what's your name?" She asked turning on her side so she can face him.

" Oh it's Izuku Midoryia" He introduced himself to her.

" Nice to meet you Midoryia. I'm Ochako Uraraka. We should get to sleep, it's already past curfew" She said looking at the clock on the wall.

" I guess so" He pulled a blanket out from his bag and he placed it over his bag.

" I doubt you have a lot of stuff in that bag Midoryia" Ochako commented on his bag.

" It was late so I didn't get a chance to bring all my stuff with me. I'll probably be spending the second half of the day getting more stuff" He explained to her.

" Well that makes sense. How could you were late anyway?" She asked him.

" Let's just say my mom doesn't know how to let go" He started to have Vietnam flashbacks that involved his mom clutching his leg for hours.

" Oh sorry I forgot we were trying to sleep. " She apologized for keeping him up when they were about to head to sleep.

" N-no it's perfectly fine! I've enjoyed talking to you Uraraka" He didn't want to make her feel bad. Especially when they haven't even known each other for a hour yet.

" Thank you Midoryia" She gave him a nice happy smile. " Well we should go ahead and get to sleep. Goodnight" She reached over and pulled the switch to a lamp sitting on a table near her bed.

" Yeah goodnight" He wasn't sure of he was going to handle sleeping with a girl in the same room as him but after a few minutes he was out.

The next day once they both woke up and got ready, that took turns in the bathroom to change,they went to the principal's office to get this situation sorted out.

" So what may I help you two students with today?" Principal Nezu asked with Izuku and Ochako sitting across from him. " But before that would either of you like some tea?" He offered drinking from a small tea cup.

" Um I'm good" Ochako declined his offer.

" Same here. We actually came to get a misunderstanding settled" Izuku took out his schedule and showed Nezu his schedule."I seem to have gotten the wrong number to my room, which is Uraraka's room,and I would like to get this fixed please" Izuku explained to the principal.

" Ah that's you two. No no no. You see, this isn't a mistake. You two were put together on purpose" He took a sip from his trusty 13 tea cup.

Only fallout new Vegas fans will understand that line.

This came as a surprise to Izuku and Ochako as the thought of them being together on purpose never crossed their minds.

" Sir why are we out together? It seems weird for us to be together in a room. No offense Midoryia" She looked at him when she spoke.

" None taken." He didn't get offended like 90% of people in real life.

" You see young man and woman, the women's side has less rooms then the men's as there is usually more males at this school than there are women" He reached into a drawer and pulled out a school roster with assigned rooms." As you can see aside from you two,all the rooms have been filled. And no room can have more then two people as there isn't enough room and beds. So you two will have to share while you attend the school" He put the school roster away after he explained.

"But is it even legal to have a boy and a girl together in a room?" Izuku asked remembering how he felt last night.

" Of course. Besides you two are responsible young adults. I'm sure you two can control yourselves and be responsible if it does" He was joking but it still made the green tea pair face's burn with red.

They left together after giving their thanks to Nezu and they headed back to their room.

" So....I guess this is a bit awkward now" Izuku scratched the back of his head nervously. " Maybe I can convince him to find another way" Be suggested to her.

" No no! It's totally fine!" She half lied.  She didn't feel too comfortable sharing a room with a guy,but so far he didn't seem like a creep."I think it is just something that we both just gotta get used to you know?" She was just as nervous as Izuku is.

"Yeah you're right. How about we start off by making rules?" He suggested.

" I think that would be a good idea" She brought out some paper and pencil to keep track of their rules." Well for starters I think we should have a rule where we should always knock before entering"She suggested the first rule and she wrote it down.

" Alright sounds reasonable. And how about where we can't touch each other's possessions without permission?" He suggested his own rule and Ochako wrote it down.

" Alright... Well I don't think much else needs to be said,I figure everything else will be common sense" She used a thumb tack to hang the rules on the wall.

" So... what should we do now?" Izuku asked not knowing what would be a good thing to do.

" I actually made some plans to go hang out with some friends,if you don't mind" She stood up from her bed grabbing her purse.

" Oh of course! Don't let me keep you! Have fun!" He watched her wave goodbye and leave. He then fell back onto his bed and covered his eyes. 'Well Mom was right. College is harder than high school.' He thought to himself as he tried to think of how he is going to survive college now.

And so his college started off with a girl.

I think my writing has gotten better in this. What do y'all think?

Also here's a tag for some reason: IRONDEVIL2560

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