s e v e n t e e n

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two hours passed by, chaewon was still unconscious.

hyunjin fell asleep for awhile. he rested his head on the bed, facing the girl and sighed. he could not help but keep worrying about her especially when the doctor told him the sickness she had. he never expected that she was trying to end her life by staying in the rain every night.

if only they knew each other well, this would not happen.

the guy closed his eyes and soon drifted into a nap.

both his parents walked in with the dna results but seeing the sleeping guy, they decided to let him be. his mother left a lunchbox on the table before leaving with his husband. now that they know the results of the dna, she felt relief but still mad at her husband for being a jerk towards his own son.


his back ached. 

hyunjin slowly lifted his head from the bed and groaned a little. he had been sleeping in that position for how long he had no idea and now he regrets it. but as soon as he saw the girl, who had her eyes open, he gasped.

"chaewon." his eyes started to get wet. "a-are you okay?"

the girl remained silent, just watching the ceiling which made him nervous out of sudden. he spotted the familiar lunchbox on the table and quickly reached for it. "did the doctor check on you? have you eaten?"

chaewon shook her head, still not moving her eyes away from the ceiling. 

"if that 's so i'll call them-" he was about to press the button but was cut off.

"did you save me?"


"did you save me?" she repeated, her voice a bit louder than before.

hyunjin nodded, "i came to visit you but then heard something fell so-"



she moved her head to the side, looking at hyunjin while tearing up. "why did you do that? why did you come?"

"you're sick! why are you trying to kill yourself?"

he could see a tear rolling down her cheek. "i never want to live after everyone leaves me," her voice was barely a whisper, making his heart clenched. "it sucks, hyunjin. when you don't have anyone to rely on. my family is all gone. and who's gonna pay for the medical bills to get me out of here?"

the guy fell silent. his chest tightened when hearing that. she was right, she lost her family and the medical bills needed to be paid in order to get her discharged. or else she would spend her days there till the end.

chaewon looked away to the ceiling again while pressing the button. seconds after the doctor came with a nurse, greeting her.

hyunjin stayed on the couch. honestly he had no idea how to help her. part of him told him it was a mistake for bringing her there while another part urged him to talk about this to his parents. but no way he would ask them to pay for her bills, they barely even spend money for himself.

the doctor and the nurse left, leaving them alone again. without saying anything, hyunjin opened the lunchbox and scooted closer to the bed. "my mom packed this."

she muttered a small thanks and was about to take the chopsticks from him but he pulled away a bit, shaking his head. getting the message, chaewon blushed a bit before opening her mouth for the food. hyunjin grinned as he fed her. 

just like that, the two were already in good condition.


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