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"it's raining!"

hyunjin broke into laughter when chaewon twirled around and accidentally let go of her shoes. they went flying, causing her to let out a loud gasp and ran to find her shoes.

"my slippers!" she whined, searching in the dark.

he shook his head lightly and turned on the flashlight from his handphone. he had the umbrella above him to cover the phone from getting rained on.

"chaewon," he called, flashing the light to a certain spot. "i think it went there."

chaewon went to the left where hyunjin pointed at and found the right side of the shoes. he flashed around to see and spot the other one.

the girl placed her shoes under the same tree where she hung the jacket before twirling around. after a week with no rain, she finally got to do the thing she loved. or else she would walk around with hyunjin, telling random stories.

hyunjin just chuckled and was about to sit on the bench but chaewon was faster. she took the umbrella and the rain hit him.

"join me." she said, grinning.

"but my phone–" he quickly got under the umbrella and took out the jacket. "my phone."

"no one is here to steal it." she then removed the umbrella and pulled him to the middle. hyunjin shivered a bit, making the girl laugh. "come on, it's not that cold!"

"for you." he gritted his teeth but minutes later he eventually enjoyed it. the rain soaked his hair down to his black hoodie. chaewon was right; it wasn't too cold. just fine.

the girl sighed when she stopped twirling around from doing her weird dance. a smile appeared on her face with her eyes closed for a while. "hyunjin, you know how to dance?"

"what dance? 90's?"

she laughed. "anything."

hyunjin shrugged. "i took dance class last year so yeah."

"okay, let's." she took his hand. "wanna dance?"

the guy stared at her in confusion before giggling. "you're something else."

"come on, it's once in a lifetime."

without complaining any further, hyunjin held her another hand and brought her closer. chaewon seemed a bit shocked and when seeing him smirking, she hit his chest. "what dance?"

"up to you."

"you suggested this, chaewon." he tilted his head to the side, which she found cute. looking away, she nodded.

with that she walked a few steps back, hands not detaching from his. chaewon stood on her tip toe while hyunjin had his one hand behind his back. he was amazed by her first step, it looked graceful as if she had been learning dance for years. after making sure their hands were linked neatly, chaewon twirled on her tiptoes once.



until she got closer to hyunjin.

chaewon detached their hands and at the close gap, she pressed her hands on his chest while he held her waist gently. the girl giggled at his reaction.

"wow?" he breathed out as chaewon pulled away.

"what wow?" she smiled slyly.

"you learned dancing?" 

"until a couple of years back."

"what about now?"

hyunjin watched her wearing her wet slippers and handed him his stuffs. "not really. no one's teaching me anymore."

he could hear the soft sigh at the end of her sentence and decided not to ask anymore. "going home already?"

"tomorrow's school day. you'll get a fever if we stay her longer," she remarked while covering themselves with the umbrella. "you want me to send you home?"

"how— silly, i'm sending you. your house is nearer."

she shook her head, "i'm fine by myself. or you take this and i'll just run since my house is nearer." she snickered, making him sighed. 

"i'll buy the new one then," he turned to the convenience store but the girl stopped her. 

"i'm sending you home. really."

he stared at her for a few seconds, contemplating whether he should let her or not. even if his father told him he's gonna be out for two weeks, he's still afraid that he has returned and who knows, maybe fighting again.


"show me your house." he cut her off.

he can't let her know about his fighting parents.

chaewon slowly nodded as the guy took the umbrella from her. 


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