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"where were you hyunjin?"

hyunjin stopped on his tracks when hearing his mother's voice. he did not expect his mother was still awake at this moment. it was almost 10 and he just returned from the convenience store. "uhm, meeting a friend." he answered with a slow voice.

there was a short pause before the woman spoke up, "you know if your father found out he'd be mad right?"

the guy nodded slowly. "i'm sorry."

"it's fine, just go to sleep."

hyunjin closed his door and plopped on his bed. he covered his eyes using his arm and sighed. he had expected her mother would found out after a few weeks and he did not like it.

"why is it like this?"

"why does dad hate me?"

"what did i do wrong?"

a small droplet of tears fell. for seventeen years of living, he could only feel five years with his father and when he turned six, it was as if something happened as his father changed drastically. that was when it started. the arguments, harsh words, no more family gathering.

he missed the old times.

even his mother did not tell him what happened. he was desperate for an answer but could not bring himself to ask. he's afraid the question would hurt his mother.

so one day he escaped for a while and found the girl. the girl who was currently bringing smiles on his face at nights, the girl who made him laugh with her silly remarks, the girl who he danced with in the rain.

but when his mother found out, he would not be able to sneak out easily. he was already 17, two years before reaching his legal age. why did his father have to be so strict? curfew for him? he didn't do anything wrong!

he wanted to be free like his other friends.


he's not here?

chaewon held her umbrella to cover her from the raindrops. she stood in front of the convenience store, looking around. there were a few people walking by, ignoring her.

haseul saw the blonde girl standing alone. she walked out to approach her. "are you a friend of hyunjin?"

the blonde jumped a bit, nodding afterwards. "i texted him, he said he had some work to do and apologized."

"oh.." she smiled a bit, "uhm, will he be here tomorrow too?"

"i'm not sure about that, sorry."

haseul went in after a little more short talk, leaving the girl alone. chaewon sighed as she settled down on the bench outside the store.

he said he'd come..

"i'd like to have some hot ramen and hot choco." hyunjin said happily as he searched through the isle but there were none. there was a slight frown on his face and she giggled. "what do you want to eat?"

"ramen too but it's fine. we'll come next time."

"in two days." hyunjin quickly said. "in two days we'll have them since it's gonna be friday and i'm gonna be free."

chaewon hummed and nodded in agreement, already feeling excited.

"what am i doing here again.." she muttered to herself and left the place, hoping he'd come the next day.


she found herself in front of the counter, facing the older girl. 

"eonnie.. did hyunjin say anything?"

haseul checked her phone and shook her head. "do you want his phone number?"

chaewon shook her head, "that would be wrong." she chuckled. "thank you eonnie, sorry for disturbing you."

"it's fine. if hyunjin says anything i'll tell you, okay?"

the blonde nodded and left. that night it was not raining but cold. chaewon hugged her jacket tighter, her lips forming a pout. "do i have to come here every night?" she asked herself, not minding a small girl walking by her while giving her a questioning look.

what happened to him? 


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