f o u r t e e n

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he sneaked out again.

it was 1am but his eyes were not cooperating with him so he decided to take a walk.

or probably, going somewhere.

hyunjin hugged his jacket tight and shivered a bit. even it was already late at night there were still teenagers skateboarding at the park so he considered it as still early. 

the convenience store was in sight. it had been quite a long time since the last time he went there. the cashier was not his friend so he went straight to the hot chocolate machine and bought two cups.

he missed her so much.

he knew it was already late, but knowing that the girl always went out this late he believed she was still awake. there was no harm in trying.

after a few minutes searching — because he got lost again — he saw the familiar old gate. a smile appeared on his face and he knocked on it. however there was no reply. he knocked on it again.

"is she already sleeping?" he muttered while sliding the lock off and gasped. "why.."

the gate was not locked. hyunjin carefully got in like a thief but he really hoped no one was seeing him acting like one. the house was dim in the living room. shivers ran down his spine when he thought about all of the possibilities that could happen.

"chaewon?" he called out. "it's hyunjin.." his voice trailed off when he heard something fall. quickly he got into the house and searched for the source. "chaewon?"

he put down the hot chocolates on the floor and searched in every room but he found nothing. his heart started to beat fast when he decided to go to the backyard. it was dark, but not until he turned on the lights.

"chaewon!" he screamed and ran to the body lying on the grass. "chaewon oh my god– wake up please." he lightly slapped her cheek and checked her pulse on her neck.

she was weak.

he knew panic would not get him anywhere. he pulled out his phone but stopped when he realised something. he had no one to ask for help.

to think logically, of course his friends will not be able to help him in the middle of the night. if he wanted to call the neighbors, it was already too late and he did not want to leave her there. ambulance? waiting for an ambulance is longer than a girl getting ready for a date.

he wanted to be picky, but eventually he could not.

"mom?" his hand was trembling. "can you please come to the neighborhood five minutes walk next to the convenience store? please bring your car and.. and dad if you could." hyunjin cried. "please.. i need help here."

the call ended when his mother agreed to do so. hyunjin searched for the house keys and turned off all the lights. he carried the girl in his arms, making his way to the entrance of the neighborhood after locking the house gate.

it did not take long for his mother to arrive. he expected his dad will not tag along but no one cares about it right now. chaewon was unconscious in his arms and he made his mother drive them to the hospital.

"who's she, hyunjin?"

the guy pursed his lips, "a friend.. that i've been seeing at nights."


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