f i f t e e n

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"d-doctor, how is she?"

it was late, too late for the day. hyunjin's mother returned home an hour ago as hyunjin decided to stay. it's 4am, no one was there except him and the doctor with a nurse.

"all i know you're not her relatives."

the crying guy nodded, "but–"

"it's okay, i know chaewon well."

"w-what do you mean?"

the doctor looked at the nurse and she left them two alone. he let out a small sigh, "chaewon has had a sickness since she was born. she cannot stay in a cold place at a long time or else her heart will grow weak."

"what?" hyunjin asked in disbelief, barely whispering as his mouth hung open. "y-you mean, she–" his words trailed off, confusing the doctor.

his breathing started to become heavy while cupping his mouth when he realised something.

she tried to kill herself..?

"hey little guy, what's wrong?"

"w-why would she play in the rain almost everyday when she knows she c-cannot stay in the cold?" 

"she what?"

"i–" honestly he was at a loss of words. "is.. is she okay now? why was there no one in her house? she was alone when i found her." he realised he never knew much about the girl and it made him feel bad.

"she's an orphan. she lived with her grandmother but then passed away last month."

this is too much.

"can i see her? please?"

with a small smile, the doctor nodded, "sure, but i have yet to get more information about her playing in the rain." 

hyunjin just nodded and pushed the door open. he saw chaewon sleeping on the bed with iv drip and a mask. there were wires on her right hand and a white plaster on her left. just seeing that hyunjin broke into tears again. 

"why would you do that?" he whimpered as he took her hand in his while sitting on the chair next to the bed. 

he could not bring himself to talk more, he just stared at the girl's face while his thumbs running over her hand. he missed her. after a few weeks of not seeing her finally he did but in this way. this was not what he expected to happen.

chaewon's face was pale, like it was really pale that it scared hyunjin. 

"will you wake up soon?"

"will we be able to talk again?"

"can you.. wake up for me?"

he whispered the questions over and over again, hoping she would wake up but that did not happen.

after a few minutes his eyelids became heavy. he wanted to stay up but was defeated. with that he drifted into sleep with his hand holding on hers.


✓pluviophile • hwang hyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now