VI: You Better Watch Out

Start from the beginning

                          "You better be sorry." Jayce whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes to seem a smirk on his face and then turn around.

                        "I hope you took your medicine?" He said to me as he got a pan out of the stove, while I took off my boots.

                         I closed my eyes thinking I might get punished for not taking my medicine. Jayce put the pan on the stove and looked at me in disgust.

                  "When will you ever learn responsibility?" Jayce continued to take stuff out of the cupboards, and refrigerator, while I continued to get undressed.

                         "Ah, I'll take it after we eat. What are we having?" I asked him so we could change the subject.

                         "You'll see, just sit down."

                     I went over to the dining table and sat myself down. I waited for my food and I felt so awkward. Neither Jayce nor I were talking, which created an awkward atmosphere. Jayce placed my food on the dining table in front of me.

                      "It looks delicious!" I said to get a conversation going to break the awkward atmosphere. He turned around and just left to his room. I finished up my dinner/breakfast and took my medicine. I was curious what Jayce was up to, so I tip-toed to his room and quietly opened the door. I noticed him sitting in his bed probably thinking, while I was thinking why he was thinking. I observed closely trying to find a clue on what he was thinking of.

                          Jayce then turned around and I shut the door turning against the wall. I then sprinted to my room, without making a sound and shut the door. I quietly want to bed before he noticed I was up. A few moments later I heard the door open and footsteps coming towards where I was sleeping. I shut my eyes pretending that I was asleep. I felt a shadow above me and knew that Jayce was looking if I was actually sleeping or not. The door shut and I knew he was gone. I opened my eyes and looked at the door and he wasn't there. I let out a huge sigh of relief and went to sleep. Today was full of surprises and now I am exhausted.

                            *Ding, Dong, Ding, Dong*

                        I woke up yawning, and itching the sleep out of my eyes. I was disturbed by the ringing of the doorbell. I was waiting for Jayce to open it as I grabbed another pillow to block the sound passing through my ear. After several rings I gave up and walked to my door half asleep and half awake. I opened the door about to give the person a scolding for waking me up this early but no one was there.

                      It must've been some children playing pranks. Oh, how I hate children. There like little monsters, planned to make your life hell. They do nothing but cause trouble. I slammed the door in anger as they disturbed my sleep. I walked to my room but then came to a stop. I turned around and opened the door again. This time I looked down to the floor and I was right there was something there. It was today's newspaper. That's when I thought it might've been the delivery man who rang the doorbell.

                       I picked up the newspaper, and unfolded it, seeing what was in the news. Once I saw a picture of Hina and that soon to be husband of hers, my eyes were dead on the page. I started to read the article of Hina and her soon to be husband. The newspaper printed in big bolded letters:

                        The marriage is final. The new queen of Nevada Miss. Hina Fields and the new king Mr. Edward Park will be married on January 28th at the Royal Palace.

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