CH 29; Are you going to stay here instead of fighting to win what you love.....

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Tzuyu's words of that day were still fresh in Jisoo's mind. She thought she has been moved on from that event and can handle things as if nothing had between them.

Its been week from that day but, Now it seems was wrong thinking she had already moved on from 3 years.

Her wound heart again seems to be open after a long time. But that's not the first time she feel hurt after she came back.

She saw him that she stay with Tzuyu that day at the party, the way they dance. From the moment he saw him with other woman.

She felt her heart was been stabbed by thousands of knife but she tried hard to stay calm and act as of she had already forgotten him.

She looked at him if he was having a little worried and sad as she came with Linyi. Yeah, she saw but soon everything was turned upside just the moment he kissed on Tzuyu cheek.

She tried hard to stay away from but only she knew how hard she miss him, his everything even his angry and scolding.

The looked when the twin called Linyi as dad, how his faced turned pale but soon it turned to disgust.

That day when she asked him who was his fiancée, how hard she want to explain to him. But in the end she knew its all impossible for them.

How hard she miss his touch, his scent, his voice.

The way he kiss her, she want to kiss him back and told him how hard she miss but she know what she is holding back.

And what scattered her most was the view she saw inside his office a week ago.

She were hurt to bone, seeing him kissing another woman in front of her. How hard she wanna shouted at Tzuyu to stay away from him, not to mention kiss, she didn't want the looked Taehyung gave to Tzuyu.

That time she wanna run to Taehyung and claimed as her's. But she restrain herself from doing so because at the end she remember she was nothing to him from the start and what I there to claim him as her's.

Yes, she gave him divorced, they were divorced.

When she saw the mark left by Tzuyu how much she want to take off those mark off him.

Yes, she still love him.

She even didn't know that she is crying so hard.

When Linyi entered Jisoo room, he saw Jisoo's bulnerable state. He didn't want to see her like this.

He is so worried about her that time. He went towards her and hug her, where Jisoo is on the ground crying hardly brokenly.

Jisoo saw Linyi enter her room and next thing she knew was she was hugged by him.

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