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❛ chapter one ❜

WHEN BELLA SWAN DECIDED SHE'D MOVE TO Forks, Washington so her mother could travel with her boyfriend, her first thought was; can Beatrix come too?

But as expected, her father's joke just didn't have enough space for an extra person, which Beatrix understood, and to be honest, she really didn't want to pretend to be human while she stayed with Charlie. So instead she bought her own home there, afterall, she was basically a billionaire at this point, she had a thousand years' worth of money and valuables, so spending a few thousand on a house would be nothing.

And that brings them to now, the hybrid and the human were sitting beside each other on the plane. "Are you excited to see your father?" Beatrix questioned, she had never actually met Charlie, Bella hadn't been to visit him since the two met, but they had spoken a few times whenever he would call Bella.

"I'm quite nervous," Bella admitted. "I mean, we haven't actually seen each other in a long time. Sure we've spoken, but- I just don't want to it be awkward between us."

"It's you Bells, obviously it's going to be awkward," Beatrix teased, Bella only nodded in reply, a small smile on her face.

A lot of time passed, around four hours from Phoenix to Seattle, and another hour in a small plane to Port Angeles when the two girls finally landed. Beatrix loved the weather in Forks, she loved the excessive amount of trees, the rain, and the almost blue tint, it gave Beatrix some sort of comfort. It had been a few years since she last visited, so she was glad she could get that feeling back.

The duo grabbed their luggage from baggage claim before making their way through security and out of the small airport where Charlie was waiting for the two girls in his cruiser.

Although Beatrix could have got her own car dropped off at the airport for herself, Bella practically begged her to go with her and her dad, in hopes of defusing the tension even just a little. Charlie was fine with this, of course, any friend of Bella's was a friend of his,

The father gave his daughter an awkward smile and a one-armed hug as they grew closer, it was then Beatrix realised where Bella got her awkwardness from. "It's good to see you, Bells. And it's good to finally meet you, Beatrix," the 'older' man gave her a warm smile before turning back to his daughter. "You haven't changed much. How's Renée?"

"Mom's fine," Bella nodded. "It's good to see you too, Dad."

The girls only had a few bags at most, almost none of their Arizona clothes would be fit for the Seattle weather. Despite Beatrix not reeling things such as coldness, she knew it would be better if she dressed like she could, to fit in. People would notice and question how she was able to walk about jacketless, or in a pair of shorts during a storm.

"I found a good car for you, really cheap," Charlie announced once everyone was in the car.

"What kind of car?" Bella questioned.

Charlie gulped but Bella didn't notice, of course, Beatrix did though, and she couldn't help but feel slightly sorry for Charlie. It was obvious he was nervous, probably more so than Bella. "Well, it's a truck actually, a Chevy."

"Where did you find it?"

"Do you remember Billy Black? Down at La Push?" Charlie questioned. La Push is a tiny Native American reservation on the coast, a place where the shifters resigned, a place that Beatrix made the mistake to visit her first time at Forks, luckily for her, the alpha at the time could tell Beatrix was different, and after she showed the elders that she too was part wolf, from then on she was allowed on the reservation.

"No," Bella replied.

"He used to go fishing with us during the summer," Charlie prompted. "He's in a wheelchair now," he continued when Bella didn't respond. "so he can't drive anymore, and he offered to sell me his truck cheap."

"What year is it?" Bella questioned curiously, knowing if something was to happen to it she'd have absolutely no clue what to do.

Beatrix could see the change in Charlie's expression when the question he was hoping she didn't ask came up. "I'm sure it's fine, Bells," Beatrix spoke up. "Besides, if anything does happen, I can fix it," she shrugged, giving her friend a look, silently telling her to loosen up.

"That's really nice, Dad. Thanks. I really appreciate it." Bella crumpled out.

The trip exchanged a few more comments after that, mostly on the weather, which was wet but beautiful, everything was green, the trees, their trunks covered in moss, their branches hanging with canopy on it, the ground covered with ferns, how much Beatrix loved it, and that was pretty much it for conversation.

Unfortunately for Bella, they had arrived at Beatrix's house first, she was secretly Charlie to drop them off at their home first, Beatrix could stay over for the night and they could go to school together the next morning, or Beatrix could run home, after all, it would only take a few seconds at most, but Charlie didn't know that, and he refused to let her walk home alone, especially since this was her 'first time' in Forks, he didn't want her to get lost.

Beatrix and Bella both got out of the car at the same time, Bella had told Charlie that she would help her friend with her bags so he didn't have to, even though there weren't many bags, and Beatrix could easily carry them on her own, but she honestly just wanted a minute out of the cruiser.

"Give him a break okay, Bells? You aren't the only one who's nervous about all of this, I can practically smell the embarrassment of him."

"You can smell feelings?" Bella questioned, which earned a look from her friend. "Okay, figure of speech, got it. And I will."

"Good, text me when you're home," Beatrix replied, waving to Charlie before making her way into her home.

It was modern-ish that consisted of a lot of dark neutral tones, mostly browns or black, it was a mixture between wood and brick, and it had rather large open windows that the warm yellow-toned light beamed through.

Beatrix sighed happily, unlocking the front door and dropping her bags to her feet, the noise of the luggage hitting the floor alarmed Ms Adams the caretaker, Beatrix had hired the women to make sure her home was ready for her moving in. "Ms Barnes! I wasn't expecting you so soon, it's lovely to see you," Mary Adams beamed as she walked towards the hybrid.

"It's nice to see you too, Mary. You're free to leave whenever you'd like, you've done a wonderful job," Beatrix replied, lifting her bags once again and walking to her bedroom.

She felt as though something would jeep her here in Forks, for longer than she originally planned, and she would be correct, the only difference was, she would soon realise it would be someone rather than something.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐒, edward cullen (being rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now