Ch. 5- Almost

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A/N; major time lapse at the end, so hold tight. 😊

Two years have passed.......

The crickets sound and the gentle blows of the wind made the surroundings feel at ease, the view of a half-moon formed like it will catch any fallings stars.

Though the sky is full of twinkling debris, the mansion of the Kirigun is more dazzling with a light that shines more than the stars. The security is in every corner, all are wolves that promised to protect their luna with all their lives.

"The moon is beautiful tonight! right? " Type ruffled his son's hair that is dancing in every blow of the wind.

"Yes it is Papa, I wonder what dad is doing tonight at the pack. " Elijah answered while gazing at the moon.

"He said he'll be home tomorrow for the company's meeting. " Type replied while glancing at Elijah who had a sad look in his eyes. " you're thinking of him? " Type asked again.

Elijah took a deep breath and smiled at his father,

"Yes! " Elijah look down and took a deep breath again. " but I'm not sad Papa, I'm happy to know that the moon goddess has prepared someone for me as my mate. Though I meet him at the wrong time, at least I know I have one. Maybe fate will lead us to each other again in the future and when that happens I promise I will not let go of him. " Elijah stated, he look up again to watch the moon while smiling.

Type who has been worried since his son meet his mate felt like the thorn in his heart was lifted. His son knows how to handle his feelings and Tharn is right, they should trust their twins.

"I'm happy to hear that son but don't exert yourself too much on trying to relive your memories of him. Let him linger in your heart and mind that way the bond will grow stronger as time passed by. When the time will come for you two to meet again, the bond in your heart will lead you to him. " Type said while caressing his son's back.

"Thank you, papa, you're the best! " Elijah replied, kissing his father's forehead.

Type will get anxious and worried for he is a father who only wanted his twins to be happy always but his own experienced teach him that heartaches and pain are one of the weapons to become stronger.


Morning came, Nikolai is awake already. Watering the plants in the garden became his favorite spot. His life with his newfound family made a drastic change in his life. Max enrolled him in one of the online classes that offer beginners, classes. Nikolai knows how to read and write simple words but he is far behind in the world of real education.

As the days go by with his daily classes, he begins to get matured without him noticing it. He woke up early, helping the servant to do the house chores, he memorize all the kitchen utensils and staff. He naturally distinguishes every loop and pattern of the building every time his new parent or his brother Max brought him to the city.

"He is a fast learner! An intelligent one! " His teacher's praises and positive comments make his heart flutter with happiness.

His physical appearance got a big improvement also for his brother takes him every time he goes to the gym and they even work out at the house if they have free time. The home in which he lives now really played the role of the real family.

Marquise -his wolf, always helped him by lending his energy essence every time Nikolai felt sleepy in one of his classes or got exhausted from workouts.

"Brother! " Nikolai was startled by the sudden voice of Max. " you're in dazed, are you okay? " Max asked as he touched Nikolai's forehead to check if he has a fever.

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