♡ Chapter 30 ⋆ He lost her... Maybe forever.

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"Ugh..." Ella woke up weak and tired. She sat up and leaned against the headboard. She buried her face in her hands and sighed. Tossing the duvet aside, she got out of the bed like a zombie.

After showering, she wore a simple summer dress and pulled her hair in a ponytail. She stared at herself for few minutes. Her shoulders were slumped, her eyes were swollen.

She strode down the stairs and saw her parents at the breakfast table. She still hasn't talked to them. Caroline saw her and she quietly placed a pancake on her plate. She waited for her to come and sit down with them. Matthew noticed his wife's movement and his gaze fell on Ella. He solemnly looked back at his plate and continued to eat his breakfast.

She took off her backpack and placed it on the ground. With slow and gentle steps, she approached the dining table and sat down in her respective seat. Caroline's eyes widened, she wasn't expecting her to join them. She thought like any other day, Ella would ignore her and walk out.

Ella gave her mother a feeble smile which she returned eagerly. She picked up the fork and as she was about to eat Matthew offered her the bottle of maple syrup. They ate breakfast in peace.

Caroline bit her tongue. She didn't want to say anything to push Ella away again. Ella looked down at her plate while Caroline and Matthew watched her adoringly.

After they were done. Ella stood up and hurriedly placed kisses on both of her parent's cheeks. They both were taken aback by her action. She turned to walk out of the house but Caroline stopped her. She held her daughter's hand and engulfed her in a hug. Ella's eyes teared up, she hugged her mother back immediately.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, baby... I want you to know that I didn't doubt you, I just wanted you to talk to me. To tell me everything and I think I pushed you too far" Caroline cried

Matthew walked to them and pulled both of them in a hug. He rested his head over Ella's head and sighed in relief.

"I'm sorry too..." Ella whispered

"No, I'm sorry... I was too harsh on you" Caroline said

"You both were so harsh on me" Matthew mumbled making both of them laugh.

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