Chapter 42: We're Okay

Start from the beginning

"Realize how Curtis said Wife and not future wife but Trent still went with it," Andy laughs

"Because she is gonna become my wife soon and I might as well get use to it now then later you know" I shoot him a wink

"Who knew our little Trent had the balls to even ask someone to marry him" Virgil laughs

"Right! Im so proud" Alex begins to fake cry and I throw my slipper at him

"Shut it" I laugh as he throws it back but completely misses me and hits Ben. "Your aim is shit"

"Whatever" Alex rolls his eyes and jurgen finally walks into the room.

"What's taking you bunch so long? Let's go!" We quickly get up from our seats and head out to the pitch. Hopefully everything is going well on Shaimas end.

Shaimas POV:
Declan and I walk up to Masons door and I have a jittery feeling in my stomach. Declan knocks and soon enough Masons face appeared on the other side of door.

"Shaima I didn't know you were coming?!" Mason exclaimed before moving aside letting us both in.

"Well if you answered her calls and texts maybe you would..." Declan trailed off


"Mason are you mad at me?" I asked him "cause if you are I would hate that and it sucks cause it's not fair and..."

"Shaima shut up" he laughs "I'm not mad at you I promise."

"Then why haven't you answered any of my calls or texts? I thought you were mad and it's been a week..."

"Shaima shut up" he laughs and places his hands on the side of my face "I am not mad at you, I can never be mad at you. We're okay" he places a kiss on my forehead and pulls me into a hug.

"Then why haven't you answered my calls? Or texts?"

"I've been busy, training and all that it just takes over life sometimes Shay"

I look at him and examine his face, there's something up but I'm not going to prude.

"So you both done or what? The reservation is in 20 min and it's gonna take us the same amount of time to get there" Declan tells us and I nod my head and watch Mason grab his jacket.

"Ya let's go" Mason says as we make our way out the door. I take my seat at the front while Mason sits at the back. "So has trent told you about the Euros?"

"No.... He didn't mention it"

"What?! Was he just going to leave when he gets called up?" Declan laughs

"I'm sure he would've told me" I mumble and sit back a little more in my seat.

"That's 5 weeks away shay, if he does get called up are you gonna be okay with not being able to see him?" Mason asks

"I'm sure it'll be okay Mase. If he gets called up then we can FaceTime and all."

"You better make sure you call us dweeb" Declan smirks

"I will personally make sure I don't call you dec" I laugh when he hits my arm. "Of course I'll call you two." I smile at the two boys as we pull up got the restaurant. Mason exits the vehicle and holds out his hand for me.

"Good cause 5 weeks away would kill us," he smiles.

"Ya right 5 weeks away is a peaceful heaven" Declan winks at me

"So dinner is on Declan tonight right?" I ask Mason and place my arm around his waist

"Oh definitely let's make sure we order extra"

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